The Imamate of Imam Reza (as) in Sunni Sources

08:45 - 2021/06/22

Are there any narrations in Sunni popular sources on the Imamate of Imam al-Ridha (as)?

Imam Reza (as) in Sunni Sources

Are there any narrations in Sunni sources on the Imamate of Imam al-Ridha (as)?
In some Sunni sources there are narrations on the Imamate of Imam al-Ridha (as). For example, Ibn Sabbagh Maliki narrated from Makhzumi that Musa Kadhim (as) sent a person to us, then he said, "Do you know why I gathered you?" We said, "No." He said, "Beware that this son of mine - he pointed to Ali ibn Musa al-Ridha (as) - is my guardian and caretaker of my affairs and the successor after me ... "1

He also narrated from Dawood ibn Kathir Riqqi who said, "I said to Musa Kadhim (as), "I beg your pardon, my age has increased, hold my hand and save me from the Hellfire. Who is our leader after you?" He pointed to his son Abu al-Hasan al-Ridha (as) and said, “This is your leader after me." 2

1. Al-Fusul al-Muhimmah, p. 226.
2. Ibid.




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