Life on Earth is Dependent on the Holy Existence of Imam Zaman (A)

11:44 - 2022/11/22

-The existence of Imam Zaman is so important in this world.

Life on Earth is Dependent on the Holy Existence of Imam Zaman (A)

 Life on Earth is Dependent on the Holy Existence of Imam Zaman (A)

The advanced Shia narrators about Imam zaman, such as Sheikh Kulyni, Ibn Babouyeh Qomi and Sheikh Sadouq, may God have mercy on him, have narrated these noble and correct traditions in their documents for the purpose of Imam Zaman:

Imam Baqir (peace be upon him) said:

The whole world is a sacrifice for the Imam of the Age of Souls

  Life on earth is dependent on the holy existence of Imam Zaman (peace be upon him).

 The advanced Shia narrators, such as Sheikh Kulyni, Ibn Babouyeh Qomi and Sheikh Sadouq, may God have mercy on him, have narrated these noble and correct traditions in their documents:

Imam Baqir (peace be upon him) said:

"If the existence of the Imam, peace be upon him, is removed from the earth for a moment, the earth will take strong waves and destroy its people, just like the waves that cover and drown the people of the sea." If the imam is removed from the earth for one hour, as it is impossible, the earth and its people will be disturbed and stormed, just like the sea is affected by waves and storms [1]

Hazrat Imam Sadiq (peace be upon him) said:

  "If one of God's proofs is not in the earth, the earth will shake its inhabitants and throw away what is on it; Indeed, the earth will not be free from God's authority for an hour.[2]

Hazrat Imam Hadi, peace be upon him, said:

  "The earth will never remain without evidence, and I swear to God, I am that evidence." [3] (at the time of telling the Sharif Hadith)

Hazrat Imam-Zaman Arwahnala al-Fida said the following to Ishaq Ibn Yaqoob in the Sharif Taqi'ah:

"And the way people benefit from my presence during my absence is like the way they benefit from the sun hidden behind a cloud; And I am the source of security for the people of the earth, just as the stars are the source of security.


 Life on Earth is Dependent on the Holy Existence of Imam Zaman (A)


According to the above hadith from Imams and the opinion of the Ulamahs like Sheikh Kulayni and others, life human of beings depends on the existence of Imam Zaman (A) and if he is not on the earth they would not be safe.


[1] Kafi (Sheikh Klini), vol. 1, p. 179, vol. 12, عن أبي جعفر عليه‌السلام قال: لو أنّ الامام رفع من الأرض ساعة لماجت بأهلها كما يموج البحر بأهله.

[2] Imamah and insight (Ibn Babawayh), p. 35, «عن أبي عبدالله عليه‌السلام قال: ولو لا من على الأرض من حجج الله لنفضت الأرض بما فيها وألقت ما عليها إن الأرض لا تخلو ساعة من الحجة.

[3] Kafi (Sheikh Klini), Part 1, p. 179, Part 9, قال أبو الحسن الثالث عليه‌السلام: إنّ الأرض لا تخلو من حجّة و أنا و اللّه ذلك الحجّة

[4] Kamal al-Din (Sheikh Sadooq), vol.2, p.485, في توقیع الشریف عن حجة بن الحسن العسکری علیهماالسلام: و أما وجه الانتفاع بي في غيبتي فكالانتفاع بالشمس إذا غيبتها عن الأبصار السحاب و إني لأمان أهل الأرض كما أن النجوم أمان لأهل السماء.


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