A killer called jealousy

11:54 - 2023/05/24

The originality of a person is his soul. When the soul of an envious person becomes jealous, the body will also be affected because of the connection between the body and the soul.

A killer called jealousy

A killer called jealousy

 jealousy: Envy is one of the internal diseases and moral vices that melts both the body and the soul. A jealous person is constantly has a feeling of sadness and envy because he see that the other person has a special position and he is deprived of.

His hatred and envy is so great that he wants to deprive a person of his privilege in any way and for any reason.

The originality of a person is his soul. When the soul of an envious person becomes jealous, the body will also be affected because of the connection between the body and the soul. Therefore, Imam Ali (AS) said:

"Well done to jealousy! What a justice! First of all, it kills its owner."[1]

The soul of envy is so tormented and in trouble that the Prophet said in another hadith: "Jealousy is the prison of the soul."[2]

Treatment of envy

There are different ways to treat envy; For example:

1. Prayer of a jealous person for someone who is jealous of him

2. Giving a gift to a person (even if it is a small gift): The Holy Prophet, (P.BU.H), says: "Giving gift removes grudges from the chest."[3]



[1]- An excerpt from  Mizan Al-Hikma, p. 348./ «لِلّهِ دَرُّ الحَسَدِ ما اَعدَلَهُ! بَداَ بِصاحِبِهِ فَقَتلَهُ»

[2] - An excerpt from Mizan Al-Hikma, p. 348./ «الحَسدُ حَبْسُ الرُّوحِ»

[3]- Mizan al-Hikma, vol. 12, p. 6./ «الهَدِيَّةُ تُذهِبُ الضَّغائنَ مِنَ الصُّدورِ»/



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