What made Abraham (AS) sad on Eid al-Adha? - 2

16:42 - 2024/06/16

Abraham (peace be upon him) who was fully prepared to slaughter his son Ishmael, was saddened by the revelation of a sheep instead of Ishmael. He wished to his God that the afflicted person would reach the highest levels.

Sacrifice of Eshmael

Abraham and the Great Sacrifice

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God: Do you love him more, or yourself?

Abraham: I love him more than myself.

God: Is his child dearer to you or your own child?

Abraham: His child is more beloved to me than my own child.

God: Is it more painful for you that his son be slaughtered by his enemies, or that you slaughter your own son with your own hands for obeying me?

Abraham: Lord, it is more painful for me if his son  to be killed by the cruelty of his enemies.

[Here, God recited the grave of Imam Hussain (peace be upon him) for Abraham and] said: O Abraham! A group of people who think they are from the Ummah of Muhammad, after him will kill his son Hussain, Just like a sheep's head is cut off, out of cruelty and enmity. By doing this, they are causing my anger and wrath.

Abraham was very sad to hear this story and cried. Then God revealed to him: O Abraham! I accepted your affliction for Hussain instead of Ishmael's. I appointed for you the highest ranks and rewards of those affliction.[1]

One wonders what kind of calamity this is that brings Ibrahim Khalilallah to the high ranks of the afflicted people?! As long as the world is the world, he gives benefits to the divine saints from his table?! In the degrees of closeness and mysticism, does it surpass them?! The words of a wise sage like Allameh Tabataba'i who said: “No one reached any stage of spirituality, except in the holy shrine of Imam Hossein (peace be upon him) or by appealing to him”. Because Hussain is the great slaughter that God is proud of in his Quran; “And We ransomed him with a momentous sacrifice”.[2], [3]


[1] Bihar al-Anwar, vol. 12, p. 124

[2] Quran [37–107] وَفَدَيْنَاهُ بِذِبْحٍ عَظِيمٍ

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