Incident of Mina

15:31 - 2015/11/07

Ayatollah Naser Makarem Shirazi has pronounced in a summary that this occurrence of Mina has vexed whole Muslim universe and if these kinds of incidents are steady afterwards it will means to make Hajj an awful ceremony and it will repairs a sanctification of Hajj.

Ayatollah Makarem Shirazi settled in one of his messages that exercise of occurrence of Mina is damaging for a sanctification of Hajj.

Ayatollah Naser Makarem Shirazi has pronounced in a summary that this occurrence of Mina has vexed whole Muslim universe and if these kinds of incidents are steady afterwards it will means to make Hajj an awful ceremony and it will repairs a sanctification of Hajj.

Ayatollah Makarem Shirazi settled in one of his messages that exercise of occurrence of Mina is damaging for a sanctification of Hajj.

Condolence summary of Ayatollah Makarem Shirazi is as follows:

"In the name of god"

Incident in Mina is a tragedy for whole Muslim Ummah. Many Iranian pilgrims have been martyred in this incident. Our eyes are great blood over this occurrence and a hearts are blazing in fire.

I offer upraise to all Muslims around a world.

Those people who are holding caring of Hajj are not able of administering an affair of Hajj and now it has been proven practically.

Islamic universe is prepared and a cabinet should be done to demeanor after an affair of Hajj. Government of Saudi Arabia and the officials can also be enclosed in this committee.



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