The hidden war

17:06 - 2016/01/13

While senior US officials who wish to "change behavior" of the Iranian people speak. Americans of "subversion" do not talk, because this method is tested and knows that it cannot destroy the Islamic Revolution. "They say we do not want to change the system, we want to change behavior."

Why do the Americans want the Iranians change their behavior?

While senior US officials who wish to "change behavior" of the Iranian people speak. Americans of "subversion" do not talk, because this method is tested and it cannot destroy the Islamic Revolution. "They say we do not want to change the system, we want to change behavior." {1}
What is the purpose of behavior changing? Is it Islamic lifestyle?

On the other hand the performance and behavior of its own Islamic Revolution. Because of "the real {advance}" Islamic Revolution. The everyday behaviors, IE, "those things that constitute our life context, which is the same style of life, such as the problem of family, marriage style, type of housing, clothing, consumption pattern, type of food, type of cuisine, entertainment and real sector Home civilization. "{2} and constructed for other nations is stereotyping. The importance of lifestyle as Americans clearly trying to change their mind and Supreme Leader of Islamic Revolution occupies a central place in the future. Today we are facing two life styles "Iranian-Islamic way of life" versus "Western lifestyle" that the winner in addition to the impact on people's behavior, will determine the future direction of the revolution.

1. Remarks Leader (21/12/1393)
2. Remarks Leader (23/7/1391) .


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