Imam Mahdi (ajtf) in Sunni Sources

09:37 - 2021/06/22

On the issue of the Savior, the well-known Sunni scholar Ibn Abi al-Hadid Mu'tazili wrote, "Among all Muslims, there is an agreement that the world will not come to an end, except after the advent of the Mahdi – may God hasten his appearance.

Imam Mahdi (ajtf) in Sunni Sources

On the issue of the Savior, the well-known Sunni scholar Ibn Abi al-Hadid Mu'tazili wrote, "Among all Muslims, there is an agreement that the world will not come to an end, except after the advent of the Mahdi – may God hasten his appearance.1

All Islamic sects, including Sunnis and Shiites, as well as all sects branching off from them, believe in Imam Zaman – may God hasten his appearance – and his emergence at the end of time. But in application of this matter and whether the Imam is already born or will be born in the end of time, there is difference of opinion among Islamic sects. Muslim scholars may be put in two groups in this regard.

First group:
Shia scholars, as well as some Sunni scholars, believe that Hazrat Mahdi – may God hasten his appearance – was born, is currently alive, and will appear at the end of time. From this group, we can refer to Hafiz Sulayman bin Ibrahim Kunduzi Hanafi (1220-1294 AH), Sheikh Mo'min Ibn Hassan Ibn Mo'min Shablanji Shafi'i, Sibt ibn Jawzi (654 AH), Ganji Shafi'i (658 AH) and others.

From Hakimah Khatun, the daughter of Imam Jawad (as), Hanafi Kunduzi in "Yanabi al-Mawada" has narrated in detail about the parents and the manner of birth of the Imam.2  Shablanji in "Noor al-Absar"3, Ibn Jawzi in "Tazkirat al-Khawas"4, and Ganji Shafi'i in "Al-Bayan" have also narrated this incident.5

Second group:
Some other Sunni scholars are of the opinion that Hazrat Mahdi (as) will be born at the end of time.
Most Sunni scholars are in the second group, although they have mentioned different details like he is one of the sons of the Prophet (pbuh), he is one of the sons of Ali ibn Abi Talib (as), he is one of the sons of Hazrat Zahra (as). In other narrations he has been introduced as of the descendants of Imam Hussein (as), from the progeny of Imam Reza (as), and from the children of Imam Hassan Askari (as).6 But generally speaking, they say that he is not born yet.

1. Safi Golpayegani, Lotfollah, Selected Works, Tehran, Al-Sadr School Publications, Bita, p.3.
2. Kunduzi Hanafi, Suleiman Ibn Ibrahim, Yanabi al-Mawada, Qom, Sharif Razi Publications, first edition, 1992, vol. 2, p. 464.
3. Shablanji Shafi'i, Mu'min ibn Hassan ibn Mu'min, Noor al-Absar, Beirut, Dar al-Jubail, 1409 AH, p. 342.
4. Ibn Jawzi, Tazkirat al-Khawas, Beirut, Ahl al-Bayt Foundation, 1401 AH, p. 325.
5. Ganji Shafi'i, Al-Bayyan Fi Akhbar Sahib Al-Zaman (AS), Al-Hadi Foundation Publications, 1399 AH, p. 148.
6. Jowaini, Ibrahim Ibn Muhammad, Faraid al-Simtain, Beirut, Al-Muhammadi Foundation for Printing and Publishing, First Edition, 1400 AH, Vol. 2, pp. 318, 320, 323, 329 and 337.

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