The life of Imam Hassan (a.s.) during the 10 years of peace with Muawiyah

13:56 - 2022/10/24

-The Imamate and successorship of the Prophet, like prophethood, is an appointed position that is determined by God. Whether the nation accepts him as its caliph or refuses to accept him. Therefore, the imam must always do his duty. Considering this issue, Imam Hassan (a.s.) in the last ten years of his noble life and after the peace with Muawiya; In addition to worship; did activities such as; Interpretation of the Qur'an, memorizing and publishing the hadith of the Prophet (PBUH), training students, teaching and guiding the people, fighting against the ideas of the Umayyads, and, etc.

How did the life of Imam Hassan Mujtaba (a.s.) pass during the 10 years of peace with Muawiyah?

The life of Imam Hassan (a.s.)  during the 10 years of peace with Muawiyah

The Imamate and successorship of the Prophet, like prophethood, is an appointed position that is determined by God. Whether the nation accepts him as their caliph or refuse to accept him. Therefore, the imam must always do his duty. Considering this issue, Imam Hassan (a.s.) in the last ten years of his noble life and after the peace with Muawiya; In addition to worship; he did activities such as; Interpretation of the Qur'an, memorizing and publishing the hadith of the Prophet (PBUH), training students, teaching and guiding the people, fighting against the ideas of the Umayyads, and, etc.[1]

the following will be mentioned important activities of Imam Hassan's life.

1.         Interpretation of the Qur'an

There are reports that Imam Hassan (a.s.) interpreted verses from the Quran:

 a)In the verse " وشاهدٍ و مشهودٍ[2]Va Shaahed Va Mashhood " Shaahed means the apostle(PBUH) and Mashhood means doomsday.[3]

b) When Marwan disrespected the Imam in the presence of Muawiyah,  majesty said to Marwan: "... God and His Messenger say the truth that he said in the Qur'an: «وَ الشَّجَرَةَ الْمَلْعُونَةَ فِی الْقُرْآنِ وَ نُخَوِّفُهُمْ فَما یزِیدُهُمْ إِلَّا طُغْیاناً کبِیراً»[4] …. the tree cursed in the Quran. We warn them, but it only increases their outrageous rebellion.

When Imam Hassan recited this verse to Marwan, then he said: O Marwan! You and your generation are from the same accursed tree in the Qur'an".[5]

2.         Hadiths

Imam Hasan (a) ordered his generation  and some relatives as such: "oh children, Today you are the people who will soon be the elders of another generation." So learn knowledge and each of you who cannot keep a narrative, write it down and keep it in your own home."[6]


3.         Worship

Whenever Imam al-Hasan (a) performed ablution, his body members would tremble and the color of his face would turn yellow because of fear of God. When asked about the reason for this issue, majesty said: It is worthy of everyone who stands for God, his face to be yellow(because of fear of god) and his joints to tremble.  Also, when Imam al-Hasan (a) did not speak to anyone after the morning prayer, although others tried to keep him away from his prayer by speaking.[7]


4. Education of students

In addition to protecting the companions of Imam Ali (AS) and paying special attention to them, Imam Hassan (AS) also trained narrators and other students. famous people; Like Abdullah bin Jafar Tayyar, Muslim bin Aqeel, Abdullah bin Abbas, Hababa bint Jafar Walbiya, Hudhayfa bin Asid, etc. benefited from his presence.[8]


5. Guiding the people

Imam Hassan (PBUH) was sitting in the Prophet's (PBUH) mosque and people gathered around him and Imam (PBUH) was talking with them.[9]

6. Struggle with Bani Umayyah


After the unjust victory of Mu'awiya, Imam Hassan (a.s.) was passing through the Prophet's (p.a.s.) Mosque when he saw a group of Umayyads looking at him mockingly. After praying two rakats, Imam (a.s.) said to them: swear to god, if the power is in your hands for one day, it will be in our hands for two days, And if you rule for one month, we will reach this position for two months, if you rule for one year, we will rule for two years. With the difference that during your rule we eat, drink, wear clothes, get married, and take roadster) means of riding(, but you will not enjoy these freedoms during our rule! A man asked: How?! Even though you are the most forgiving and kind person?! Imam (a.s.) said: Because they made enmity us with Satanic trick, and Satan's trick is also weak. But we are hostile to them with God's power and God's power is strong and hard.[10]

7. Answering doubts


Sometimes doubts were raised in Islamic society that no one could answer. Therefore, Imam (a.s.) used to answer them:

The king of Rome wrote a letter to Muawiya and asked three questions; what is the place that is in the middle of the sky.? What was the first drop of blood that was shed on the ground? What was the place where the sun shone only once? Muawiyah was unable to answer these questions and requested Imam Hassan (a.s.) to respond.

Imam (a.s.) said: (The answer to the first question) is the roof of the Kaaba. (Answer to the second question) It is the blood of Hazrat Hawa. (Answer to the third question) The land of the sea was split for Prophet Moses (PBUH).[11]


8. Helping the poor

9. Helping the oppressed

10. Etc




[1] -"The peace of Imam Hassan and the uprising of Imam Hussein (AS)", 577

[2] - Bruj, 3.

[3] - Majlesi, Muhammad Baqir, Meraatol al-Aqool fi Sharh Akhbar Al-Ar-Rasoul (A.S.). researcher, Corrector, Rasouli, Seyyed Hashem, vol. 5, p. 86, Tehran, Dar al-Katb al-Islamiyya, second edition, 1404 AH.

[4] - Isra, 60.

[5] - Tabarsi, Ahmad bin Ali, Al-Ihtjaj Ali Ahl al-Jajj, Mohaqeq, revised, Khorsan, Mohammad Baqir, vol. 1, p. 279, Mashhad, Morteza Publishing House, first edition, 1403 AH.

[6] - Shahid Thani, Zain al-Din bin Ali, Muniya al-Murid, researcher, corrector, Mokhtari, Reza, p. 340, Qom, Islamic Media School, Qom, first edition, 1409 AH.

[7] - Ibn Shahr Ashub Mazandarani, Manaqib Al Abi Talib AH, Vol. 4, p. 14, Qom, Allameh, first edition, 1379 AH.

[8] - "Behtarin Yaran Aemeh", 4526.

[9] - Raviyan Va Ashabe Imam Hasan as p37403

[10] - Manaqib al-Abi Talib, vol. 4, p. 8.

[11] - Ibid., vol. 4, pp. 12-13.

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