Ahlul Bait (A.S.)

Ahlul-Bayt & Unity Of Ummah

Ahlul-Bayt & Unity Of Ummah 12:58 - 2019/11/12

 قالت فاطمه سلام الله علیها: وَ طاعَتَنا نِظاماً لِلْمِلَّةِ، وَ اِمامَتَنا اَماناً لِلْف


Zahra 17:46 - 2019/02/03

قالت فاطمة الزهرا(سلام الله علیها): نَحْنُ وَسیلَتُهُ فی خَلْقِهِ وَنَحْنُ خاصَّتُهُ وَمَحَلُّ قُ

Do the Infallible Imams (as) have knowledge of the unseen?

Can the Infallible Imams (A) have the knowledge of unseen?
12:16 - 2017/05/04

Not only is it rationally possible for the Imams (as) to have knowledge of the unseen, the holy Qur'an also states that God, the Almighty, has granted some of his prophets such knowledge. Being successors of the Prophet (sawa), the Imams (as) were also entrusted with such knowledge so that they would succeed in guiding people to the right path.

Birth of lady Fatimah (A.S)

Birth of lady Fatimah (A.S)
12:33 - 2017/03/15

Fatimah is an inspiring example and she is one of the most popular girls' names throughout the Muslim world.

The Divine Status of Lady Masoomeh (A.S)

The Divine Status of Lady Masoomeh (A.S)
11:39 - 2017/01/09

Hazrat-e Ma’soome was born in Zulqadeh 1, 173 (A.H) in Medina. Her father was Imam Moosa Kazim (the seventh Imam) and her mother was Hazrat-e Najmeh whose purity and nobility was the reason why she was called Tahereh.

Biography of Imam Hassan Askari (as)

Biography of Imam Hassan Askari (as)
16:38 - 2017/01/04

Hasan ibn Ali ibn Muhammad was the 11th Imam of Twelver Shia Islam, after his father Ali al-Hadi. He was also called Abu Muhammad and Ibn al-Ridha. Because Samarra, the city where he lived, was a garrison town, he is generally known as al-Askari (Askar is the word for military in Arabic).

The Most Important Advice of Imam Sadiq (A)

Preaching of imam sadiq (as)
23:37 - 2016/12/13

A man asked Imam Sadiq(as), "By which sign a person is determined to be a believer?" Imam Sadiq (A) replied,
"Verily, our intercession (Shafaat) does not reach the one who takes (Namaz) prayers lightly".

The Thirteenth Infallible

The Thirteenth Infallible
22:36 - 2016/12/06

Imam Abu Muhammad Hassan al-Askari(A.S.) was poisoned by the caliph, Mu'tamad, and, thus, suffered severely and was martyred on 8th of the month of Rabi' Awwal in the year 260 (A.H.). At the time of his death, he was twenty-eight years old. He was buried in the house in which his father was buried in Samarra'. He left behind his son - Living Holy Awaited Saviour Imam Muhammad al-Mahdi (A.S.) the one who is awaited to bring about the heavenly rule of truth in the whole world.

Imamate of Imam Redha (a.s)

Imamate of Imam Redha (a.s)
18:53 - 2016/11/26

Imam Ali bin Mousa al-Reza (PBUH), the eighth Imam of Shiites , is of the progeny of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH&HP) and his eighth successor. At age 35 he became the leader of the Islamic union. His life was contemporary to the Abbasid reign and therefore, he suffered great difficulties made by the Abbasids. Finally, he was martyred by Ma’moon (the contemporary Abbasid Caliph) at the age of 55. This article will briefly discuss an overview of his life.

Revival of Islam by Imam Husain (a.s)

Revival of Islam by Imam Husain
16:52 - 2016/11/22

summary: Imam Husain (A.S.) faced the deviated Ummayad plot in the Islam and, also, the difficult conditions which the Ummah lived in. He (A.S.) also lived its danger proportions after the signing of the peace document between Mu'awiya and Imam Hasan (A.S.).

The Uprising of Imam Hussain (as)

the uprising of imam hussain (A.S)
19:03 - 2016/11/21

"... and I am not taking up arms in order to make merry, or be ecstatic over what I possess. I am not making mischief, nor exercising oppression. But, I am ready to fight for the sole goal of seeking reform of the Ummah of my grandfather, the Prophet of almighty Allah (swt). I want to enjoin good and forbid evil and guide the affairs of the people as my grandfather, and my father, Ali bin Abi Talib(as) were doing."

The revolution of imam Hossain (A.S)

The revolution of imam Hossain (A.S)
17:27 - 2016/11/14

Summary: Yazid was a pleasure-seeking person, given to wine drinking and playing with pets. It is no wonder that Hossain's response to Yazid's governor, when asked to pay allegiance to Yazid was.
