
Five advices of Imam Hussain (AS) to avoid sin - 2

16:11 - 2024/02/12

What advice does Imam Hussain (a.s.) have for turning away from sin?

Five advices of Imam Hussain (AS) to avoid sin - 1

16:06 - 2024/02/12

What advice does Imam Hussain (a.s.) have for turning away from sin?

The Prophet of Morality

The Prophet of Morality
08:37 - 2017/11/14

The almighty God in the Quran has praised Prophet Muhammad because of his great morality. Moreover, God considers the Prophet's leniency and tolerance as the main factor of his fascination among the people. There are many stories about the Prophet's morality in Islamic heritage. The following are some examples of these motivational stories.

Human glory: the story of feeding in Surah Al-Insan

15:25 - 2016/03/06

“Both Hasan and Husayn were sick when the Prophet, along with a group of his companions came to see how they were doing. The Prophet said to Imam ʿ’Ali: ‘O’ Abul Hasan! It would be good if you took an oath (to Allah) for your children to be cured from their sickness.’

Moral stories for Children1 (Telling the Truth)

11:40 - 2016/02/23
