The wedding anniversary of Hazrat Ali and Hazrat Zahra

Create: 07/01/2022 - 15:44
دریافت ویدئو

 The wedding anniversary of Hazrat Ali and Hazrat Zahra

On the occasion of the wedding anniversary of Hazrat Ali and Hazrat Zahra,

On the occasion of the wedding anniversary of Hazrat Ali and Hazrat Zahra, two very important points in the lives of those two perfect people are a lesson for all humanity.
1- God's servitude and obedience
2- Much respect for each other
1- When Hazrat Ali wants to describe Hazrat Zahra, he does not say that she is a good housewife or a good cook, and... rather, he says that she is my best friend in obeying God. If it is obedience and service to God everything is going to be alright
2- Not opposing and harassing each other
Hazrat Ali and  Hazrat Zahra never betrayed each other, they never lied to each other, never called each other bad words, and...

Today, all human beings, especially women and husbands, should make the life of Imam Ali(AS) and Zahra (S) their role models

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