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17 Nov، 2015    0
“Today the Islamic Ummah is experiencing these successes and failures. In the face of these realities, both Muslim governments and Muslim peoples have great responsibilities to fulfill, and the world of Islam is going...
17 Nov، 2015    0
“The world can see that since the victory of the Islamic Revolution in Iran, Muslim nations in every part of the world are confidently taking certain actions to restore their Islamic identity and culture. This is...
15 Nov، 2015    0
The strategies of Islam on hijab have their roots in the explicit commandments and clear orders of the Almighty God in the Qur’an and divine words and impart to us the following points in describing the philosophy of...
15 Nov، 2015    0
Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyed Ali Khamenei on Tuesday warned Muslim nations about the plots hatched by enemies to sow discord in the Islamic community. Addressing a group of Iranian...
14 Nov، 2015    0
Our conception of sabr is one of waiting, tolerating, of biding time. But interestingly, the tawhidi culture that Islam inherently promotes presents patience as a voracious, moving, strong and balanced trait.  In...
14 Nov، 2015    0
Psychological warfare – including humiliation, promoting despair and showing off power and material comfort – is the most important weapon that is available to the arrogant enemies who know that the awakening of the...
11 Nov، 2015    0
As has been stated by one of the renowned Islamic jurisprudents, the Hajj rituals, apart from putting on display the most sincere and profound acts of worship, are also the most effective means for advancing the...
08 Nov، 2015    0
The Hajj rituals collectively are an act of worship profoundly associated with the struggle of Ibrahim (peace be upon him), his son Ismaai’l (peace be upon him) and his wife Haajar and if we were to remain heedless of...
07 Nov، 2015    0
Ayatollah Naser Makarem Shirazi has pronounced in a summary that this occurrence of Mina has vexed whole Muslim universe and if these kinds of incidents are steady afterwards it will means to make Hajj an awful ceremony...
04 Nov، 2015    0
During his modernized jurisprudence category during Qom’s Grand Mosque (Masjid al-A’dham), Grand Ayatollah Naser Makarem-Shirazi cursed a Saudi genocide judgment on Shi’ite minister Ayatollah Nimr Baqir al-Nimr....


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