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زبانهای خارجه 1

From this author

01 Aug، 2022    0
The tragedy that will never be forgotten (part 1) [1] The tragedy of martyrdom of Imam Hussain (P.B.U.H.) is not forgettable; It should be cried and mourned over until the Day of Judgment. It has been quoted...
31 Jul، 2022    0
  Edward Brown's opinion about Imam Hussain (A.S.) Edward Brown (famous English orientalist) said: Is it possible to find a heart that does not feel sorrow and pain when it hears about Karbala? Even non-...
31 Jul، 2022    0
  Weeping over Imam Hussain (a.s.), atonement for major sins [1] Imam Reza (a.s.) said: So, the weepers should weep over somebody such as Hussain, because crying and weeping destroys the great sins. [2...
31 Jul، 2022    0
  Weeping over Imam Hussain (a.s.), a sign of believer [1] Imam Hussain (a.s.) said: I am the martyr of tears. No believers remember me without weeping. [2]   references: [1]. The...
30 Jul، 2022    0
10 important lessons and teachings of Imam Hussain ’s uprising (part 3) [1] Ashura (the day when Imam Hussain (P.B.U.H.) was martyred) is a school of love. The more people become familiar with the latent lessons in...
28 Jul، 2022    0
10 important lessons and teachings of Imam Hussain ’s uprising (part 2) [1] Ashura (the day when Imam Hussain (P.B.U.H.) was martyred) is a school of love. The more people become familiar with the latent lessons in...
26 Jul، 2022    0
10 important lessons and teachings of Imam Hussain ’s uprising (part 1) [1] Ashura (the day when Imam Hussain (P.B.U.H.) was martyred) is a school of love. The more people become familiar with the latent lessons in...
25 Jul، 2022    0
Does crying for Imam Hussain (P.B.U.H.) contradict the advice of patience in the Qur'an? [1] Patience and its derivatives have been mentioned more than a hundred times in the Quran. Some of the uses of this word have...
24 Jul، 2022    0
When is it allowed to do "Mubahalah"? [1] Are there any needed conditions so that we can do Mubahalah? Or anyone can do it for proving his/her faith? Which case is it allowed to do it in? Has it surely happened...
21 Jul، 2022    0
Imam Jawad (P.B.U.H.), the leader of the blessing[1] Imam Jawad (P.B.U.H.) who is the 11th of the infallible ones and 9th of the innocent Imams is the blessed born one, according to the speech of Imam Reza (P.B.U.H...


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