The Quran and Belief in the Rotation of the Sun around the Earth – 2

16:42 - 2024/03/05

The Qur'an says in verses 38 and 40 of Surah Yasin that the sun revolves around the earth. Isn't it contrary to what has found the astronomy!?

 Quran and Science

Quran and Science

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In the era of revelation of the Qur'an and the centuries before and after that, what was ruling the scientific circles about the sky and the earth was the theory of Ptolemy's board. This theory considered the earth to be the center of the universe. It considered the stars and the sun to be nailed in the heart of crystal constellations. It calculated the constellations revolving around the earth. According to this theory, the physical world consists of 9 constellations inside each other. Each higher constellations surrounds the lower constellations and the worlds and was considered its manager.[1]

The Quran rejects the mentioned theory in the above verses for two reasons:


The sun is continuously moving towards its location (or the sun is moving in its location). Not that the sun is moving around the earth. Not around itself, but it is moving in search of its crystal constellations.


 The sun and the moon each float in their own path.

According to these two points, the Qur'an not only does not agree with the mentioned theory, but surprisingly also refers to what science has discovered today.

After the collapse of the foundations of Ptolemy's hypothesis in the light of the discoveries of recent centuries. The release of heavenly bodies from the outer heavens. The theory gained strength that the sun is in the center of the solar system. The entire solar system is fixed and motionless. Here too, there was no news about the movement of the sun towards a particular location or around itself. Again, science made further progress. The astronomical observations made using very powerful telescopes proved that the sun has at least two movements: a positional movement around itself and a translational movement along with the entire solar system towards a specific point in the sky.[2]

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[1] Explanation of the world and man, Razavi, p. 21


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