Prophet Muhammad (PBUH): A Mercy to the Universe

00:16 - 2020/10/28

The same way Allah described Himself as the Lord of the Universe and His mercy encompases all things, Prophet Muhammad was sent by Allah as a mercy to the entire Universe. He is in fact, an embodiment of kindness, clemency, forgiveness, tolerance, and gracious treatment of friends and foes which should be emulated by every Muslim in his day-to-day endeavors.

It is obvious in accordance with the verses of the Qur'an that Allah is the Lord of the entire Universe and His mercy encompasses all creatures: “…My mercy embraces all things...[1]”, and He has made it obligatory upon Himself to show mercy: “…Your Lord has made mercy incumbent upon Himself…[2]
One of the most important dimensions of the personality of the holy Prophet (PBUH) is the moral dimension and his adornment with most excellent moral character traits. The morality of the Holy Prophet (PBUH) is indeed an embodiment of the Quranic moral teachings and that is the reason why he is praised in the Holy Qur'an as having "great character[3]". The Prophet himself introduced the purpose of his mission as "perfection of moral virtues.[4]"
Allah, the most High, commanded His Prophet to be kind and merciful, and he was indeed the manifestation of divine mercy. Like the essence of the divine sanctuary, the noble Prophet -as described in the Qur’an- is also a mercy to the worlds: “We did not send you but as a mercy to all the nations.[5]”  
However, contrary to propaganda broadcast by the enemies of Islam to portray Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) as a violent figure or a warmonger, his excellent character and behaviour with both the friends and foes portray him as a mercy to the entire Universe. He is the embodiment of divine mercy and compassion both in this world and in the Hereafter. The excellent manner and behavior which were manifestation of kindness, clemency, forgiveness, tolerance, and gracious treatment of friends and foes are living testimonies to his mercy and compassion. Thus, it is expected of all Muslims to emulate his excellent moral character in their life. They should therefore treat people with kindness, mercy, love and respect, and likewise, they should avoid malice, enmity, slander and gossip, and all other vices.

[1] . Qur’an 7: 156.
[2] . Qur’an 6: 54.
[3] . Qur’an 68: 4.
[4] . Sunan Bayhaqi, Hadith 19096; Bihar al-Anwar, vol. 68, p. 382.
[5] . Qur’an 21: 107.

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