The best deed after Salat (prayer)

16:50 - 2016/05/10

Prophet Muhammad (P): "The best deed after Salat (prayer) is to make the faithful happy, provided it does not include committing a sin."

The best deed after Salat (prayer)

From the valuable deeds that is recommended a lot in Islamic culture and great reward is promised for it, is to make others happy. Here is a beautiful narration from Imam Hussain (AS).

It is narrated from Imam Hussain (AS) that he said: “This speech of Prophet Muhammad (P) that ‘The best deed after Salat (prayer) is to make the faithful happy, provided it does not include committing a sin,’ is proved for me. One day I saw a slave who was eating along with a dog. He ate a mouthful then threw a piece for the dog. I asked him the reason. The slave answered, ‘O son of Messenger of Allah! I am very sad. I try to make this dog happy so that Allah will delight me. My master is a Jew from whom I want to separate.’

Imam Hussain (AS) went to the slave’s master and paid two hundred dirhams to buy the slave. The Jewish man said, ‘I grant this slave to you. I grant a farm to him and pay you back your money.’ Imam Hussain (AS.) said, ‘I accept your granting, grant all of it to the slave and free him.’ The Jewish man’s wife who witnessed all these events said, ‘I embrace Islam and forgive my dowry to my husband.’ The Jewish man said, ‘I embrace Islam too and grant my house to my wife.’”[1]


1. Biharul Anwar, vol.44, p. 194.

وروي عن الحسين بن علي 7 أنه قال : صح عندي قول النبي 9: أفضل الاعمال بعد الصلاة إدخال السرور في قلب المؤمن بما لا إثم فيه ، فاني رأيت غلاما يواكل كلبا فقلت له في ذلك ، فقال يا ابن رسول الله إني مغموم أطلب سرورا بسروره لان صاحبي يهودي اريد افارقه ، فأتى الحسين إلى صاحبه بمائتي دينار ثمنا له ، فقال اليهودي : الغلام فداء لخطاك ، وهذا البستان له ، ورددت عليك المال ، فقال 7 : وأنا قد وهبت لك المال ، قال : قبلت المال ووهبته للغلام ، فقال الحسين 7 : أعتقت الغلام ووهبته له جميعا ، فقالت امرأته قد أسلمت ووهبت زوجي مهري ، فقال اليهودي : وأنا أيضا أسلمت وأعطيتها هذه الدار

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