The leadership of the apocalyptic uprising by Imam Mahdi (AS) instead of Jesus (AS) - 7

16:58 - 2024/05/01

Why is Imam Mahdi (AS) leading the uprising of the end of the time despite Jesus (AS)?

Imam Mahdi (a.s) and Jesus Christ (a.s)

Imam Mahdi (a.s) and Jesus Christ (a.s)

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The special dignity of Imam and Imamate:

God's messengers have degrees in rank and are superior to each other. Some of them are “Nabi” (prophets). Some are  “Rasul” (the messengers). Some others reach the position of Imamate. The position of  “Nabuwat” (prophecy) means the position of receiving revelation from God. Therefore, a “prophet” is someone to whom revelation is revealed. What he receives through revelation, he leaves it at the disposal of the people as they ask him. The position of “Resalat” is promulgating God's decrees.  Rasuls educate people through teaching and awareness. Therefore, a messenger is someone who is obliged to make efforts in the field of his mission. To use any means to call people to God and convey his command. To strive for a cultural, intellectual and religious revolution.

 But the position of “Imamate” is the position of overseeing religious programs. They are including the formation of the  divine government. The implementation of God's “Hodud” (limits) and “Ahkam” (decrees). The implementation of social justice. It is also the education and upbringing of people in “outside” and “inside”. According to this definition, the position of Imamate is higher than the position of Prophethood.

In fact, the position of Imamate is the position of achieving the goals of the religion. It is the position of  guiding in the sense of reaching the desired. It is not only providing the way. In addition, the position of Imamate also includes “formative guidance”. That is, the inner and the spiritual influence of the Imam. It is the radiation of his presence in the hearts of prepared people and their spiritual guidance.[1], [2]

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[1] Tafsir Nomonah, (Exemplary interpretation), Makarem Shirazi, vol. 1, pp. 437 and 438.

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