Imam Ali (A)


Shame 07:44 - 2020/03/02

قال علی علیه السلام:اَحْسَنُ مَلَابِسِ‏ الدِّينِ الْحَيَاء، غررالحکم، ص:257


Devoutness 06:37 - 2020/03/01

قال علی علیه السلام: التُّقَى‏ رَئِيسُ‏ الْأَخْلَاق‏، نهج البلاغه، حکمت:410


Safety 13:11 - 2020/02/26

قال علی علیه السلام:رَفَاهِيَةُ الْعَيْشِ فِي الْأَمْنِ، غررالحکم، حدیث:4983

Imam Ali

The First Imam Of Shia 20:20 - 2019/07/28

  قال الله عزوجل: لَوْ لَمْ اخْلُقْ عَلِیّاً لَما کانَ لِفاطِمَةَ کُفْوٌ عَلَی وَجْهِ الْ


Crime 07:23 - 2018/12/05

It is a great transgression if somebody possesses someone`s property, while he has no right to it


Addict 21:32 - 2018/12/02

قال علی (علیه السلام) :العادَةُ عَدُوٌّ مُتَمَلِّكٌ، غررالحکم؛ ح:958


Occasion 15:45 - 2018/12/02

الْفُرْصَةُ تَمُرُّ مَرَّ السَّحَابِ

Finding Faults

Finding Faults Imam Ali Blessed 05:33 - 2018/11/06

''O People!

Do not Sit at a Table on which Wine is Served

Sit Table Wine Served  Death 12:51 - 2018/11/04

Do not sit at a table on which wine is served, for a man does not know when he is overcom

Follow the Opinion of the Intelligent one

Follow the Opinion  Intelligent  Intellect 15:11 - 2018/10/18

When you are unable to understand something with your intellect then follow the opinion o


Stubbornness 15:12 - 2018/09/08

Imam Ali[A]: Stubbornness destroys (good) advice


Leadership 18:55 - 2018/08/29

یا اَیٌّها الرَّسُولَ بَلِّغْ ما اُنْزِلَ اِلیکَ مِنْ رَبِّکَِ؛ المائده:67
