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07 Aug، 2015    0
Bibliography 1. Ithbat al-Huda, Muhammad ibn Hasan Hur al-‘Amily 2. Irsh’ad, Shaykh Mufid 3. Bih’ar al-Anw’ar, Muhammad Baqir ibn Muhammad Taqi Majlisi 4. Al-bid'ayah wa Al-nih'ayah, Abu al-Fida Isma‘il ibn Omar...
07 Aug، 2015    0
Chapter 6: Branches of Religion 6.1. Branches of Religion God-Almighty has determined a series of commandments and practical programs for us that if they are practiced, our lives of the world would be administered in...
07 Aug، 2015    0
Chapter 5: Moral Ethics 5. Moral Ethics The good and evil characteristics are called moral ethics; good characteristics are the virtues that result in attaining perfection and distinction of self (nafs) like:...
07 Aug، 2015    0
Chapter 4: Resurrection or Hereafter 4.1. The Day of Judgment All divine Prophets and Holy Scriptures are unanimous about this point that the life of a human being does not end at his death. After it another world...
07 Aug، 2015    0
Chapter 3: Imamate (Leadership with Divine Authority) 3.1. Imamate (leadership with Divine Authority) In the discussion of prophethood, it was proven that it was essential that God, the Wise, should dispatch...
07 Aug، 2015    0
Chapter 2: Prophethood 2.1. Prophethood It is incumbent upon God that for the admonishment and guidance of human beings, He should appoint messengers and necessary commandments and laws should be provided to...
07 Aug، 2015    0
Chapter 1: Theology 1.1. Acquiring of Knowledge Islam is a religion of education and knowledge; it requires of Muslims that they should seriously endeavor in acquiring knowledge. Islam considers the worth of...
07 Aug، 2015    0
1. Preface Does this world have a Creator and God or has it been created by itself without any cause? If there is a God then what are His attributes and works? Does God assign an obligation for us, or are we not...
07 Aug، 2015    0
“In the Name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful” This book is dedicated to our beloved Holy Prophet Muhammad son of Abdullah (SAW), Seal of the Prophets, his holy progeny ─ Ahl al-Bayt (AS) ─ and all devoted...
07 Aug، 2015    0
آنچه همه بايد درباره اسلام بدانند what Everyone Should Know about Islam Ibrahim Amini


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