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29 May، 2016    1
Position of parents is very important in every religion and Society, but it is very special in Islam. Almighty Allah (J) orders us to respect our parents and he has asked Muslims to recognize their parents after...
23 May، 2016    0
What is the meaning of the hijab? What is meant by hijab? Surely, the concept of hijab adopted by Islam differs completely from the hijab which was introduced by the civilizations of Jahiliyah including the miserable...
09 May، 2016    0
In the eyes of Islam, the worthiest striving is that against one's own unlawful desires. More so, when one lives in an environment where opportunities to commit sins are plenty and indulgence is commonplace. These...
09 May، 2016    0
Al-Imam Ali bin Al-Hussein (a.S) gave a lengthy advice on human rights. This today appears in a book form and is called RISALAH AL-HUQUQ (Or a treatise on rights). In this book, the Imam (a.s) describes examples of 51...
08 May، 2016    0
Imam Hossein (PBUH) was born on the 3rd of Sha'ban, in 4th year of Hijrah inMedina. When the Prophet (PBUH) heard the news of Imam Hossein's birth, became very happy and came to the house of Fatima (PBUH). Asma, the...
07 May، 2016    0
Today, it is quite disheartening to see that some parents rejoice when the newborn child is a male and show their dissatisfaction when the child is a female. But, this should not be the attitude. Islam does not condone...
26 Apr، 2016    0
What Does 'Examine Yourselve' Mean? Imam Kazem (a's) says: لَیْسَ مِنَّا مَنْ لَمْ یُحَاسِبْ نَفْسَهُ کُلَّ یَوْمٍ One who does not perform self-examination everyday has no relation with us.{1} Preventing...
25 Apr، 2016    0
Name "Musa", epithet Abul Hasan and his famous title was Kazim. His matchless devotion and worship of God has also earned him the title of "Abd-e-Saleh" (virtuous slave of God). Generosity was synonymous with his name...
24 Apr، 2016    0
How is labor rights an Islamic perspective? Imam Sadeq (peace be upon him) said: أعطِهِم اُجورَهُم قَبلَ أن يَجِفَّ عَرَقُهُم  "You should pay the laborer his wages before his sweat dries."{1} If a person is...
23 Apr، 2016    0
قالَ رَسُولُ اللهِ (صَلَّى اللهُ عَلَيهِ وَآلِهِ وَسَلّمَ): ما بُنِيَ بِناءَ فِي الإِسْلامِ أَحَبُّ إِلى اللهِ عَزَّ وَجَلّ مِنَ التَّزْوِيجِ The Messenger of Allah (S) has said, "There is no foundation that has been...


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