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15 Jul، 2017    0
Du'a makes man to recollect his lord and helps him to tolerate the hardship of life; thus, Allah (SWT) encourages man to pray. Whether the pray is fulfilled or not, it will be rewarded; because, the one who utters the...
09 Jul، 2017    0
The One who breaks fast of the holy month of Ramadan, he must either fast two months consecutively, or feed sixty poor people. If he cannot do so, he is allowed to pay 1/200/000 RLS instead. The payment will be given to...
04 Jul، 2017    0
To be a real faithful, it is not enough just to perform the daily prayers, rather, according to the Qur’an, helping the poor must be added. The prayers lead Muslims to the righteous deeds and help them to be closer to...


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