The Qur'an and Permissibility

10:45 - 2017/07/04

Based on the Qur'an, the faithful must not be indifferent toward violation of religious and moral principles in the society, rather, they must enjoin what is right and forbid what is wrong.

Permissibility is a method of thinking which violates the religious restrictions.

Violating the religious rules and moral codes is tantamount to permissibility. Disengaging from the religious, social and individual issues is one of the consequences of permissibility. "It is not my business" and "it is not your business" are two sentences which some preach as a solution for social and individual issues. Instead of religious and moral teachings, instrumental reason and social conditions are two important sources which make them how to practice in different spheres such as culture, economic and politics. Based on the Qur'an, Muslims must not shirk their responsibility violating the religious law and moral restrictions in the society as it is stated that "… advise each other to truth and advise each other to patience."[1] Indeed, disbelief and being weak in faith are the important features which lead to permissibility. The term has a strong relation with modern concept such as Secularism, Individualism and Liberalism that support disbelief and human's freedom not to observe religious and moral restrictions.
[1] Chapter 103, verse 3. وَتَوَاصَوْا بِالْحَقِّ وَتَوَاصَوْا بِالصَّبْر

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