Sheikh Saeid

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05 Sep، 2015    0
Sweat of an Animal who persistently eats the unclean substance 117. The perspiration of a camel which eats najasat, and the perspiration of every animal which is habituated to eat najasat, is najis. 118. The...
05 Sep، 2015    0
Beer (Fuqa) 116. Beer, which is prepared from barley, and is called 'Ab-i-Jaw', is haraam, but there is Ishkal in it being najis. But barley water which is medically prepared, and is called 'Maush- Shaeer', is Pak.
05 Sep، 2015    0
Alcoholic Liquor 112. All Alcoholic liquors and beverages which intoxicate a person, are najis and on the basis of recommended precaution, everything which is originally liquid and intoxicates a person, is najis. Hence...
05 Sep، 2015    0
Kafir "Infidel" 107. An infidel i.e. a person who does not believe in Allah and His Oneness, is najis. Similarly, Ghulat who believe in any of the holy twelve Imams as God, or that they are incarnations of God, and...
05 Sep، 2015    0
Dogs and Pigs 106. The dogs and pigs which live on land are najis, and even their hair, bones, paws and nails, and every liquid substance of their body, is najis. However, sea dogs and pigs are Pak.
05 Sep، 2015    0
Blood 97. The blood of a human being, and of every animal whose blood gushes forth when its large vein is cut, is najis. The blood of an animal like a fish, or an insect like mosquito, is Pak because it does not gush...
05 Sep، 2015    0
SEMEN 88. The semen of human beings, and of every animal whose blood gushes when its large vein . 89. The dead body of a human being is najis. Similarly the dead body of any animal whose blood gushes forth with...
05 Sep، 2015    0
Impure Things 84. The following ten things are essentially najis: Urine Faeces Semen Dead body Blood Dog Pig Kafir Alcoholic liquors The sweat of an animal who persistently eats najasat. 85. Urine and...
05 Sep، 2015    0
Istbra ""confirmation of emptiness 73. Istibra is a recommended act for men after urinating. Its object is to ensure that no more urine is left in the urethra. There are certain ways of performing Istibra, and the best...
05 Sep، 2015    0
Rules Regarding Waters 47. Mixed water, whose meaning has been explained in Article 15, does not make any najis thing Pak, and its use is not allowed for Ghusl or Wudhu. 48. Mixed water, however large its quantity...


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