Characteristics of Hazrat Zahra

09:06 - 2023/12/09

-Lady Fatimah Zahra, also known as Fatimah bint Muhammad, her high qualities and noble characteristic

Characteristics of Hazrat Zahra

Characteristics of Hazrat Zahra

Lady Fatimah Zahra, also known as Fatimah bint Muhammad, was the youngest daughter of Prophet Muhammad and Khadijah[1]. She is revered for her high qualities and noble characteristics. Here are some of her notable characteristics:


1. Emotional Strength and Bravery:

Fatimah Az-Zahra faced many hardships and difficulties in her life, which made her resilient and courageous[2]. She defended her father with bravery and stood by him in times of adversity[3].

2. Deep Faith:

She was known for her deep faith in Allah the Almighty. She led a humble life, refraining from the pleasures of this life.[4]

3. Caring Nature:

 She was also known as Umm Abiha, meaning the mother of her father, about the way she cared for Prophet Muhammad especially after her mother passed away.[5]

4. Infallibility:

Fatimah was considered infallible, purified from every sin and defect, and endowed with all virtues[6]. She was an ideal example of faith, worship, chastity, purity, charity, and kindness to the poor and the deprived[7].

5. Resemblance to her father:

Fatimah was an example of her father’s morals and mentality[8]. She was different from all women in her high qualities and noble characteristics that took her to the highest rank of virtue and perfection[9].

Below are other some sites that have written about Hazrat Zahra. These characteristics made Lady Fatimah Zahra an inspirational figure in many ways.

Source: Conversation with Bing, 12/9/2023

(1) 3 Special Qualities of Fatimah Az-Zahra r.a. - Muslim.

(2) Fatimah’s Characteristics | The Life of Fatimah Az-Zahra', The ....

(3) Fatimah’s Characteristics | The Life of Fatimah Az-Zahra', The ....

(4) Lady Zahra (a.s.), a comprehensive, perfect role model for humanity ....

(5) Ramadan profiles: Fatima Az-Zahra, a life of strength, struggle and ....

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