Allameh Shushtri's opinion about Imam Hossein

10:33 - 2024/08/15

-Imam Hussain's ship is faster and wider. A speech by the late Sheikh Jafar Shushtri (may God have mercy on him) (1335 AD) is about the cultural capacity of the history of Ashura and the personality of Aba Abdullah al-Hussein, peace be upon him, in the direction of guiding and saving people.

 Allameh Shushtri's opinion about Imam Hossein

 A speech by the late Sheikh Jafar Shushtri (may God have mercy on him) (1335 AD) is about the cultural capacity of the history of Ashura and the personality of Aba Abdullah al-Hussein, peace be upon him, in the direction of guiding and saving people.

His words in the Book of Al-Husayniyah Characteristics are as follows:

I saw a characteristic in Hussain, peace be upon him, for being a means of getting closer to God, and because of that characteristic, he is described as follows:

A door from the doors of heaven, a ship of salvation, and a light of guidance! But the door of Hussein, peace be upon him, is more open.(that is, all people can enter it) They are all lifeboats; But Hussain's ship, peace be upon him, was in the middle of strong storm waves, faster, and All imams are lights of guidance; But getting the light from the light of Hussain, peace be upon him, is more and wider . All of them are strong shelters; But the way to reach the refuge of Hussein, peace be upon him, is smoother and easier."


 «فرأيت في الحسين عليه السلام خصوصية فى الوسيلة إلى اللّه اتّصف بسببها بانّه بالخصوص، باب من أبواب الجنة و سفينة للنجاة و مصباح للهدى، فالنبى و الأئمة عليهم السلام كلّهم أبواب الجنان ؛ لكنّ باب الحسين أوسع ، و كلّهم سفن النجاة؛ لكنّ سفينة الحسين مجراها فى اللجج الغامرة أسرع و مرساها على السواحل المنجية أيسر ، و كلّهم مصابيح الهدى؛ لكنّ الاستضاءة بنور الحسين أكثر و أوسع ، و كلّهم كهوف حصينة؛ لكنّ منهاج كهف الحسين أسمح و أسهل . 

(الخصائص الحسينية : ص 14) 

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