On the front line

13:50 - 2024/09/05

We believed that you, Mr. Sheikh Ahmed Yassin, and the [Palestinian Islamic] Jihad brothers in Palestine are on the front line of the war between Islam and disbelief, the war between truth and falsehood... We have no doubt about the future... God's promise is true when He says, "Allah will surely help those who help His cause. indeed Allah is strong, mighty" (Quran 22:40).

On the front line

We believed that you, Mr. Sheikh Ahmed Yassin, and the [Palestinian Islamic] Jihad brothers in Palestine are on the front line of the war between Islam and disbelief, the war between truth and falsehood... We have no doubt about the future... God's promise is true when He says, "Allah will surely help those who help His cause. indeed Allah is strong, mighty" (Quran 22:40).

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