Self-improvement in the revolutionary system from the point of view of Ayatollah Khamenei

12:12 - 2023/12/19

-The theory of the revolutionary system is, in fact, a set of principles and elements that are continuous and based on harmony, which describes and analyzes the revolutionary system

Self-improvement in the revolutionary system from the point of view of Ayatollah Khamenei

Self-improvement in the revolutionary system from the point of view of Ayatollah Khamenei

The theory of the revolutionary system is, in fact, a set of principles and elements that are continuous and based on harmony, which describes and analyzes the revolutionary system.[1] This theory has pillars that include self-improvement, socialization, and civilization.


In the opinion of the Supreme Leader, self-improvement is a two-dimensional concept. One dimension is spiritual and the other is intellectual and practical. Therefore, they say:

If someone can create sincerity in himself and work for God and strengthen his spirituality and relationship with God, God Almighty will help him and open the way for him.[2]

In its real sense, this self-improvement has no meaning other than trying to perform the duties and mahrams and complying with the mustahabat of Shariah.

The special task of self-improvement is very important in the statements of the Supreme Leader. In other words, it should be said that the correct way to implement human and divine values depends on individual and social self-improvement.

To clarify the role of self-improvement in the revolutionary system, it can be said that self-improvement means its transcendence (based on religion and correct Shari'a matters), which restrains and transcends the individual's part in the personal and social environment.

In the opinion of the Supreme Leader, correct self-development based on the affairs and rules of the Holy Sharia is the basis of correct human development and, as a result, will make the revolutionary system fruitful.

In this regard, he says:

       For a revolution, humanization is more important than anything else. If a revolutionary system does not humanize, it has done nothing. The victory of the Islamic Revolution is the creation of young people and righteous people.

[1] - Translation of a part of Khosropanah's revolutionary system book, page 26

This book is written in Farsi and its title is:نظریه نظام انقلابی

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