
Today Terrorism is Our Common Worry

Today Terrorism is Our Common Worry
14:44 - 2017/12/09

I am addressing you[ the youth] that today terrorism is our common worry.

Leader’s letter to the youth in Europe and North America

 Leader’s letter to the youth in Europe and North America
12:46 - 2017/12/05

I am addressing you, the youth in Europe and North America, and I find that the sense of quest for truth is more vigorous and attentive in your hearts.

The Lessons of Today’s Hardship for The youth in Europe and North America

to the youth in Europe and North America
12:43 - 2017/12/05

The youth in Europe and North America, you can be barriers in the misguided path that has brought the west to its current impasse.

The Messengers were Not the Controllers!

Man is free to choose either heaven or hell
12:40 - 2017/07/15

There is a fallacy attributed to Mahatma Gandhi that relates one who forces people to go to the heaven is an annoying person, whereas, the people are free to choose heaven or hell as the holy Qur'an repeatedly expresses this truth.

You Are Not a Believer if You Do Not Care for the Needy

You Are Not a Believer if You Do Not Care for the Needy
19:35 - 2017/07/09
