اخلاق اجتماعي

How to treat visitors in Islam

Welcoming visitors in Islam
09:53 - 2022/06/21

-The topic is about how to treat visitors in Islam, where I explained the things a Muslim should do whenever his fellow Muslims visits him at his home from the hadith of the prophet and his successors(A.S).

Cleanliness in Islam ( its Concept and Importance)

Cleanliness in Islam
14:38 - 2022/06/16

-[the article is about cleanliness in Islam, where explained according to qur'an and hadith of the prophet to help the muslims to follow it

Food Diet in Islam: Forbidden and Recommended Food

Food Diet in Islam: Forbidden and Recommended Food
14:24 - 2022/06/14

-The article is about the food diet in Islam, forbidden and recommended in our religion. in this article I tried as much as possible to bring verses and sayings of both Allah almighty and his prophet Muhammad (SW.AW.W). I explained the importance of halal food to your daily life and the effect of haram food.