Science and Knowledge or wealth and property?

10:54 - 2022/07/13

Science and Knowledge or wealth and peroperty? It maybe anyone think about this repeated question whether knowledge and science are better or wealth? In this article, I am merely going to present the masterpiece of Ali (AS) in answering this question: Is Knowledge and science better or wealth?

Science and  Knowledge or  wealth and property?

Science and Knowledge or wealth and property?

Science and knowledge are better than wealth. It may be anyone who thinks about this repeated question of whether science and knowledge are better or wealth? In this article, I am merely going to present the masterpiece of Ali (AS) in answering this question. Are Knowledge and science better or wealth? 

Knowledge and science or wealth?

            One day a huge crowd surrounded Ali (AS). One of the audiences asked Ali (AS): Oh Ali! I have a question. Are knowledge and science better or wealth? Ali (AS) replied: that knowledge and science are better; Because knowledge is the heritage of prophets and wealth is the heritage of Qarun, Pharaoh, Haman, and Shadad. The second person asked: O Aba al-Hasan! I have a question, can I ask? Is science better or wealth? Ali (AS) said: Knowledge is better; Because knowledge protects you, but you have to protect wealth and property. The second person, who was satisfied with the answer to his question, sat where he was standing. At the same time, the third person entered, O Ali, is knowledge better or wealth? In his answer, the Imam said: Knowledge is better; Because a scholar has many friends, but a rich person has many enemies! The fourth person asked: Oh Ali! Is science better or wealth? Ali (AS) replied to that man and said: Knowledge is better; Because if you spend money, it will decrease; But if you spend knowledge and teach it to others, it will increase. It was the fifth person's turn. Oh, Ali! Is science better or wealth? Ali (AS) answered him and said: Knowledge is better; Because people consider a rich person as a miser or stingy person, but they consider a scholar and scientist as great. The sixth person asked: O Ali! Is science better or wealth? Imam looked at the crowd and said: Knowledge is better; Because a thief may steal money, but there is no fear of tampering with knowledge. The man fell silent. The people's surprised eyes were sometimes directed at Ali (AS) and sometimes at the newcomers. At the same time, the seventh person asked: O Abul -Hasan! Is science better or wealth? The Imam said: Knowledge is better; Because wealth becomes old over time, but knowledge will not rot as time passes. At the same time, the eighth person entered and repeated the question of his friends, and the Imam replied: Knowledge is better; Because property and wealth remain with the owner only until death, but knowledge accompanies man both in this world and after death. Everyone was surprised by the answers of the imam, and suddenly the ninth person entered the mosque and fond the people's amazement and astonishment, he asked: O Ali! Is science better or wealth? Imam said: Knowledge is better; Because wealth makes a person hard-hearted, but knowledge causes the human heart to become enlightened. The tenth person asked: O Abul -Hasan! Is science better or wealth? Ali answered: Science is better; Because the rich are arrogant, to the extent that they sometimes claim to be gods, but the possessors of knowledge are always humble.

The joy and admiration of the attendees filled the mosque. The questioners rose quietly from the crowd. When they were leaving the mosque, they heard the Imam's voice saying: If all the people of the world asked me the same question, I would give a different answer to each one.[1] Alhamdulillah, praise be to God, who made us the believers of our guardian Amir al-Mu’minin'minin Ali bin Abi Talib, peace be upon him, and the infallible Imams.



[1] . Bahrani, Kashkul, Vol. 1, p 27.

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