Lust Slave

22:36 - 2016/10/25

The biggest evil of lust is that makes a human being neglectful of a real mission in life. The goal is forgotten and the person falls into an unending cycle of Temporary pleasures.

lust slave

Undoubtedly one of the strongest instincts within the human being is the power of lust and sexual instinct.

This instinct exists from the beginning of one's life till his death. Before adulthood, this natural tendency lies in a quiet and immobile period, but by beginning of adolescence, it slowly encompasses the entire existence of a young person.

  What makes people different is the fact that some with strong faith and willpower stands firm against the force of lust, which means they respect their personality and as a result do not contaminate themselves by committing immorality. On the other side there are some who cannot control their lust. But we should notice that if the power of lust is strong, the youth's volition could be stronger.

Imam Ali (PBUH) says: Who recognize the dignity and value of himself, lust cannot overcome him. [1]

The biggest evil of lust is that makes a human being neglectful of a real mission in life. The goal is forgotten and the person falls into an unending cycle of Temporary pleasures.

Additionally, Psychological investigation shows that thinking too much about sexual matters causes mental disorders. Weakness of faith, physical and mental illness, isolation, failure in life, neurasthenia, etc. are some of its consequences. [2]

 The best way to control lust is legal marriage (permanently or temporarily) under special conditions stipulated in practical article. If marriage is not possible, one can use the following recommendations:

1. Strengthen the faith: If spirituality and faith to be strengthened, it restrains man from committing sins and preserves man's dignity. Many of our problems and mainly problems of our age and our youth is the lack of spirituality and religious faith that if these problems to be solved, many other problems will be solved.

2. Fasting can be quite helpful in controlling your internal desires and strengthening your will.

3. Another factor to prevent and control lust is ongoing work. Bodily functions Reduces mental suffering and provide protection against lust. Working consumes power and physical strength and by preoccupying man's mind can overcome negative thoughts.

4. Be careful when you choose your friend. Do not choose the type of people who weaken your faith. Also, avoid making friend, illegally with the opposite sex.

5. Avoid watching any type of pictures and movies with sexual scenes.

6. Exercise is another way to avoid sexual pressures.

7. Try not to be alone anywhere and if you alone keep your mind from thinking about sexual matters and try to make yourself busy with good things such as reading books.


1. Allamah Sharif Razi, Nahj al balaghah, Hadith n. 449.


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