Why has the religion restricted us so much?

20:35 - 2016/11/02

Many limitations are from the reason and situations even if there is no religion.


Why has the religion restricted us so much?

Even if there is no religion, reason and situations make different restrictions in the life of the man. Moreover, it is wrong that all restrictions are from religion. For example, the one who enjoys eating special kind of food might be impossible for him to provide it or might be harmful for his body to eat it. Therefore, the reason limits him as well as disagrees with Fleeting pleasures in many cases. For example, no wise person allow using the drug, even according to some it is so cool, or like the (applying/ using) sexual instinct that There is no place without limitation about it. One of the things that may cause feeling extensive religious constraint is the life style of persons. For example in the life style that the marriage is in thirties and before the marriage, and illicit relations are degage, feeling restrictions is common.

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