Can Naturalized Muslim living in the United States Join the Army

13:57 - 2017/12/30

Naturalized Muslim living in the United States or Canada are permitted to join the army or to take a job with the police  if doing such a job does not entail any bad effect, committing a ḥarām act, or abandoning an obligation.

Can Naturalized Muslim living in the United States Join the Army


Question: Is it permissible for a naturalized Muslim living in the United States or Canada to join the army or to take a
job with the police? Is it permissible for such a Muslim to work in government departments, municipality, and semigovernmental institutions?

Answer: There is no objection to it if doing such a job does not entail any bad effect, committing a ḥarām act, or
abandoning an obligation.[1]

1. Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei, Practical Laws of Islam, Q1351.

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