Pornography, Plague of the 21st Century

13:37 - 2021/12/18

The expansion of the Internet appears to have increased pornography watching around the world. Experts are warning us of the harmful and detrimental effects of pornography. Pornography is also linked with sex trafficking and aggression toward women. 

Pornography, 21st Century Plague

Then let mankind look at his food.
The holy Quran (80:24)

Pornography is the plague of the 21st century. It seems that no one dares to say it directly to the face of the world. The money being made in pornography industry, people's desire for the products of  this industry and the so-called political correctness do not allow any practical action. It is a terrifying fact about our world that the most popular content on the internet are pornography websites. After internet gaints like Google or Amazon, which are visited daily by a huge number of people, pornography websites are on the top of most-popular-websites list.

The 19-year-old Grammy-winning singer, Billie Eilish has recently said she started watching porn when she was as young as 11. She also stated that watching porn on regular basis has destroyed her brain and skewed her exceptions about sex in her private life. Unicef has alarmed on the dangers of children exposure to pornography. If you surf the internet, you probably find many scientific or religious books and articles on the harmful effects of pornography on human health, moral and society but porn companies and websites are allowed to act with almost no boundaries.

Most of the people addicted to watching porn have no idea about how and why a performer in a pornographic content appears on camera and the conditions that led them to be involved in such a humiliating situation. The bitter fact is that porn and sex trafficking are inseparably linked. The experts are warning us of the horrible relation between porn industry and sex trafficking. (1)

Different researches show that pornographic contents cause sexual objectification and this leads to aggressive behaviors toward women. (2)

Despite causing increase in sex traffic, aggressive behavior toward women, deteriorating social relationships, and other harmful effects on the individual and the society there is no firm will to combat pornography in human right groups.




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