Ali (AS) and his virtue's part 2

12:17 - 2022/07/16

Ali (AS) as an infallible Imam has so many virtues. 

Ali(AS) and his virtues

Ali(AS) as an infallible Imam has so many virtues. Importance of knowing Imam Ali(AS) appears in the words of the Prophet (PBUH).  According to the many narrations that have been included in the virtues of his majesty, in this article, I intend to some of the most important narrations that encourage us to the recognization and introducing the virtues of Imam(AS) as the first successor and caliph of the Prophet (PBUH).

Importance of knowing Imam Ali(AS)


Amr bin Maimon narrated from Ibn Abbas that the Messenger of God said to Amirul- Mu'minin (AS): O Ali! After me, you are the leader and guardian of all believers." In this hadith, the word 'after me', means: Ali's direct guardian in leadership and imamate, and it does not make any sense the Prophet has sayed: "you are the beloved of the believers after me". It must be said that the Holy Prophet (PBUH) never hesitated to introduce Ali (AS) and his merits as a faithful commander and introduced variously him to the community. he sometimes, raised Ali's hand and said: "This Ali is the master and leader of the people" and sometimes, his majesty used to say: "Ali is with the Quran and the Quran is with Ali (AS) and these two will never be separated." And he sometimes introduced Amirul- Mu'minin (AS) as a pillar of the truth. It is mentioned in the frequent hadith that the Holy Prophet (PBUH) said: "Ali is the truth and the truth is Ali, and they will never be separated until the Day of Judgment by the pond of abundance till they enter upon me." In another narration, said: the seditions will be found soon after me, so be with Ali bin Abi Talib, because he is the one who separates between right and wrong. and his majesty said: "Whoever separates from Ali, has actually separated from me, and whoever separates from me, has definitely separated from God."

Quranic vesese about honor of Amirul- Mu'minin (AS)

Many verses have been interpreted by Sunni scholars and their commentators about the honor of Amirul- Mu'minin(AS), and in support of that, they have brought narrations from the Holy Prophet (PBUH), so that some of them, such as Ibn Hajar, Khatib al-Baghdadi, Suyuti, and Ganji Shafi'i, Ibn Asaker, Sheikh Suleiman ghundozi, etc. have quoted from Ibn Abbas who said: “Three hundred verses were revealed about the honor of Amirul- Mu'minin(AS)”.

And Ibn Abbas narrated from the Holy Prophet (PBUH) that he said: the verse in which "O you who believe" is mentioned, God has not revealed except that Ali is at the head of it. It means that all these verses are first and foremost about Ali and related to him.

the responsibility of the people is to obey necessarily Amirul- Mu'minin (AS). The Prophet (PBUH) has extremely valuable interpretations about obeying and following the leader of the faithful, which examples are mentioned:

 1- Salman narrates to the lady Fatima (PBUH) with his document that the Prophet (PBUH) said: It is obligatory for you to obey and follow Ali bin Abi Talib (AS). Indeed, he is your master and guardian; So, love him, and he is your Lord; So, follow him and he is your scientist; So, honor him and your leader will go to heaven. So, you love him. Whenever he asks you to do something; Respond, and obey him if he commands, love him because of my friendship and consider him great because of my greatness. I did not tell you anything about Ali except what God commanded. 2- Abu Barzah says: The Holy Prophet said while we were sitting: On the Day of Judgment, four things will be asked before anyone takes a step: 1- About lifetime, where did he do 2- About his body, where did he age 3- and about his property, where it came from and where it was used 4- and about our friendship of Ahl al-Bayt. So, Umar asked the Prophet: What is the sign of love for you after you? The narrator says: The Prophet placed his hand on Amirul- Mu'minin's head while he was sitting next to him and said: Indeed, loving me after me is loving this (Amirul- Mu'minin).


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