Equal Pilgrimage of Imam Hussain and Abdul Azim

13:28 - 2022/10/31

-Muslims should not miss visiting this great person

Equal Pilgrimage of Imam Hussain and Abdul Azim

Equal Pilgrimage of Imam Hussain and Abdul Azim

      Abdul Azim Al-Hasani his Shrine is located In Iran In the city of Ray in the province of Tehran. in this article we are going to talk about the rewards of visiting his grave.

Considering the greatness of Imam Hussain (A.S) and the many traditions that have been expressed about the reward of his pilgrimage; Why is the reward of the pilgrimage of Abdul Azim Hasani equal to the reward of the pilgrimage of Imam Hussain (A.S)?

As stated in the question, in a narration, the reward and reward of visiting the grave of Abdul Azim Hosni is equivalent to the reward of visiting the grave of Imam Hussein (A.S)

Muhammad bin Yahya Attar said:

It is narrated from a man from the people of Ray who came to the service of Imam Hadi (A.S) that he said: Imam Hadi (A.S) said to me: Where do you come from? I said: I am coming from Imam Hussain's pilgrimage. The Imam said: If you had visited the tomb of Abdul Azim Hasani (A.S), which is near you, you would have been like someone who visited Imam Hussain (A.S).[1]

   This narration is narrated with two documents from reliable sources; However, in both documents, there are unknown narrators who are mentioned in the narration with the expression "Baa'e Ahl al-Ri" or "Some of the people of Ray"; Therefore, the document of this narration cannot be considered as a valid document, Of course, the other narrators in the Sindh dynasty are well-known narrators, and since this narration is narrated in authentic Shia books and does not contradict Shia beliefs, it can be accepted.

Anyway, assuming acceptance, it should be said:

      In many other hadiths, something similar to this is observed, where the reward of action is equal to the greater action.

 As an example, Imam Sadiq (A.S) is quoted as saying:

Oh, Bashir! A person who visits the grave of Imam Hussain (A.S) while being knowledgeable and knowledgeable about the truth of that Prophet (A.S) is like a person who visited God on his throne".[2]

             Since Abdulazim Hasani was the symbol and representative of Shia and Imams in the central region of Iran where many Shia lived, by announcing such a reward, His mausoleum (grave) has become a gathering place for Shiites, many of whom were unable to travel to the shrine. as a result, it could have played an important role in promoting Shiite culture. Therefore, such a great reward was considered for the pilgrimage of Hazrat Abd al-Azim Hasani (A.S).

Equal pilgrimage of Imam Hussain and Abdul Azim


         Whoever visits the Shrine of Abdul Azim Al-Hasani is liking visiting The Haram of Imam Hussein (A.S) according to the traditions of authentic Imams. We should not miss visiting such a great person on his pilgrimage and the rewards as the same as going to Karbala.



[1] -Sheikh Sadouq, sawab wa eghabol amal, p. 99, Qom, Dar al-Sharif al-Razi Llanshar, second edition.

[2] -Kamel al-Ziyarat, p. 149.

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