
21:39 - 2022/12/24




Moadhen: Haj Akbar comes to the mosque early every morning and says the call to prayer from the top of the minaret. He has a beautiful voice and the people of Hasan Abad village love Haj Akbar's call to prayer. When they hear Hajj Akbar's call to prayer, they understand that it was time for morning prayer. Haj Akbar comes to the mosque during noon and afternoon prayers, and during Sunset prayers and Isha prayers, and says the call to prayer through the loudspeaker.

The work of Hajj Akbar is similar to the work of us (angels). When it is time for prayer, one of us (angels) shouts: "O children of Adam! Get up and put out the fires you have lit." These fires mean the sins that people have committed. Prayer makes God forgive people's sins.


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