seeking superiority

18:13 - 2022/12/31


seeking superiority

seeking superiority

This word means seeking superiority, refusing to accept the truth out of stubbornness and arrogance; But in the term, this word means more domination, colonization, and exploitation. This word and its derivatives are mentioned 48 times in the Holy Quran. 4 of them refer to the arrogance of the devil and the rest to the arrogance of man.

In the logic of the Qur'an, the worst type of arrogance is the lack of submission and humility before the command of God and the divine prophets, and it refers to this type of arrogance in verses.

And as for those who disbelieved (it will be said to them), haven't my verses been recited to you? then you were arrogant and criminals.[1]

This verse expresses the non-acceptance of God's verses and orders by unbelievers.

Arrogance, because it includes the concepts of self-conceit, boasting, and superiority, is generally a bad attitude and a reprehensible trait.

seeking superiority


[1] - Surah Jathiya:31

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