Important Characteristics of Imam Sajjad (A.S)

12:11 - 2023/02/27


Important Characteristics of Imam Sajjad (A.S)

One of the important characteristics of Imam Sajjad (A.S) was his struggle to explain and express the truths and realities and divine values for the people and to guide and guide the people. explain and explain and save people from deviation, misguidance and doubts.

He uses various methods for explaining Jihad, including:

1- Prayer: because of the special conditions governing the society during the time of Imam Sajjad (A.S) and preventing the tyrannical Umayyad government from spreading pure Islamic knowledge and enlightenment, etc., therefore Imam Sajjad (A.S) in the form of prayers, values, He explained the facts and realities to the people, and the unique prayers of Sajjadiyeh's scriptures speak for this.

2- By remembering the great incident of Ashura: Imam Sajjad (AS) always tried to keep alive the great incident of Ashura and explain it to the people and make people understand that Imam Hussain (AS) was on the path of divine values and defending the values He sacrificed his life and his best-loved ones and companions.

Imam Sajjad (A.S) cried for about forty years for the suffering of Imam Hussain (A.S) and his companions, and this was not an emotional cry, but with these cries, he wanted to explain the truth to the people and awaken the people and save them from deviation and misguidance. Save


3- Fighting against deviant scholars: If Imam Sajjad (A.S) saw that some deviant and inactive scholars were causing others to deviate from their words, he would deal with them and preach to them and tell them the truth. He explained and warned people from listening to their misleading words.

It has been narrated that one day the deviant scientist Hassan Basri was preaching and giving a speech in front of a large crowd in the land of Mina. The fourth Imam was passing by. When he saw the scene of this speech, he stopped for a while and said to Hassan Basri:

Be quiet for a while. Imam Sajjad (A.S) said: Is your deed, between yourself and God, such that if death comes to you tomorrow, you will be satisfied with your deed? Basri said: No.

Imam (A.S) said: Have you decided to leave your current actions and prevent an action that would be acceptable to death? Hassan Basri lowered his head a little, then raised his head and said that I say with my tongue that I have a decision, but not in reality.

Imam Sajjad (A.S) said: Do you hope that a prophet will come after Muhammad and you will be blessed by following him? Basri said: No. Imam (A.S) said: Do you hope that there is another world where you can fulfil your responsibilities? Basri said: No.

Imam (a.s.) said: Have you seen someone who, having the least amount of intelligence, likes your situation for himself? By your own admission, you are living in a situation that you are not satisfied with, and you do not have the decision to move from this situation, and you do not hope for another prophet, and a world other than this world for action, then with this pathetic situation that you are busy with self-restraint. Preaching and advice of others?

Imam's powerful logic hit Hassan Basri, a great speaker, so much that he could not say anything anymore. As soon as Imam left them, Hassan Basri asked: "Who was that?" They said: This was Ali ibn al-Husayn (peace be upon him). Hassan Basri said: He is indeed from the family of knowledge. After this scandal, they didn't see Hassan Basri preaching to people anymore.[1]

Important Characteristics of Imam Sajjad (A.S)


[1] (Bihar, vol. 46, p. 116)

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