innocent children

08:56 - 2023/04/29

Based on rational foundations and narrative reasons, God does not allow the slightest injustice against anyone. For this reason, if a person dies at a young age due to any incident, he will be under the shadow of divine justice and his rights will not be lost.


innocent children

Why does God make innocent children subject to torment during public torments?

1. Based on rational foundations and narrative reasons, God does not allow the slightest injustice against anyone. [1]For this reason, if a person dies at a young age due to any incident, he will be under the shadow of divine justice and his rights will not be lost. [2]

2. About the loss of children in public disasters; Like the torment of the Thamud tribe and other tribes, it should be kept in mind that in these incidents, although children share with the obligated people in terms of the result (i.e. destruction and death), but they are different in terms of title.

In the case of children, the title of torment cannot be used and in other words, these terrible events are a kind of natural death for them; because they have not yet reached the age of religious responsibility and have not committed any sin.

Based on this, the torments that are inflicted on the infidels are like natural disasters for children - as well as innocent adults - which are not necessarily torments, but include small and big people, and  these children as if have died in a natural earthquake.

3. The question may be raised that in any case they are destroyed; so why does God take survival and the right to life from them? Is this compatible with God's justice?!

In response, we can say; its life and durability is a gift from God and no one has a right over God; therefore, taking a person's life cannot be considered an injustice against him. In addition, sometimes taking life and preventing its survival for some people may be good for their own benefit, as in the case of the people of Noah, God quoted from the words of Prophet Noah: "If you leave them alive they lead your servants astray".[3]

The meaning of the verse is that if the people remained, their children would not believe .Accordingly, this death may be an unwanted gift for innocent children; because now they don't go to hell, but if they were alive, they would probably suffer the fate of their fathers. In other words, even though they were deprived of the temporary life of the world, but without making any effort to earn a reward, they were given eternal life.

innocent children


[1]-  "إِنَّ اللَّهَ لَا يَظْلِمُ مِثْقَالَ ذَرَّةٍ" Nisa, 40.


[3]- إِنَّكَ إِنْ تَذَرْهُمْ يُضِلُّوا عِبَادَكَ وَلَا يَلِدُوا إِلَّا فَاجِرًا كَفَّارًا/ Nouh:27

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