The sinister effects of adultery in the words of the infallible one

11:51 - 2023/05/04

The holy Prophet (SA) said: adultery has calamities both in this world and the next. As for this world: it destroys the brightness and beauty of mankind, leads to untimely death, and reduction of blessings.

The sinister effects of adultery in the words of the infallible one

The sinister effects of adultery in the words of the infallible one

The holy Prophet (SA) said: adultery has calamities both in this world and the next. As for this world: it destroys the brightness and beauty of mankind, leads to untimely death, and reduction of blessings. As for the next world: it leads to distress on the day of resurrection, Allah’s wrath and everlasting punishment in hell.

It has been narrated from the Prophet (PBUH): Whenever adultery increases, sudden death also increases.

Do not commit adultery, so that your wives are not commited with adultery. Whoever invades others’ chastity, his own chastity shall be invaded as well. As you treat others, you will be treated.[1]

Imam Ridha (as) mentioned some of the bad outcomes of adultery as following:

1. The ruination of the standards of inheritance

2- Committing murder by way of abortion

3- Disruption of family and kinship system.

4- Abandonment of the child’s right to proper upbringing

Because of all these ill outcomes and other evils associated with adultry, Islam seriously condemned it and regarded it as a grievous sin.

But if one who has committed this evil deed, especially fornication with a married woman and sincerely regrets his deeds, seeks repentance and honestly mends his ways, the door of repentance is open to him.

The holy Qur’an in describing the “Righteous Servants of the Allah”, mentions not committing fornication as one of the qualities of these servants of Allah, “…and those who do not commit fornication”. Whoever commits this (fornication), will be faced with a severe penalty. His punishment on the Day of Judgment shall be in multiple folds. And will be faced with disgrace forever: Except those who have repented, have faith and engaged in righteous works. For such, their evil deeds shall be transformed into good ones, for God Almighty is most forgiving, the most merciful. And anybody who have repented from sin, and of faith and engaged in righteous deeds, has truly returned unto Allah”[2]



[1]- See: Qaraa’ati, Mohsin, Tafsir Nur, vol. 8, pg. 193, eleventh print, The Cultural Center for Lessons from the Quran Publications, Tehran, 1383 (solar calendar).

[2]- Furqaan:68, 69, 70 and 71.

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