Maytham-e- Tammar a Great Disciple of Imam Ali (A)

13:49 - 2015/10/05
Maytham-e- Tammar a Great companion of Imam Ali (A)

Maytham-e-Tammar (Abu Salem) was a slave belonging to a woman of Bani Asad and Imam Ali (A) purchased him then he was set free in the way of Allah (A). Since he used to sell dates in Kufa Market he was known as Maytham-e-Tammar, later on he became as one of the great companions and disciples of Imam Ali (A). Imam Ali (A) taught him many secrets of the faith [1] that sometimes he revealed some of them to the people for example It was predicted by  Imam (A) that he (Maytham) would be hanged on account of his love for his master. Hence he knew that he would be hanged in a farm next to the house of Amr lbn Huraith from the smallest tree existing in the farm at that time.

About his character or personality it must be mentioned that he was a true lover of Allah (J), His prophet Mohammad (S) and the prophet’s households [Ahlul Bayt (A)]. He lived a very simple life whereas his heart was full of faith in Allah (J) and love of Ahlulbayt (A), he taught by the great Imam Ali (A) many branches of knowledge including the knowledge of death and future calamities and Interpretation and exegesis of Glorious Qur'an. [2]

One of the secret truths that was revealed by Maytham to Mukhtar Saqafi in Kufa jail was that Mukhtar will get revenge of Imam Hussain's killers. [3] And he will kick Ubaidullah ibn Ziyad's head with his foot. He also told Abdullah bin al-Harith at the same jail that he will rule Basra. [4] Afterward Ibn-e-Zyad released Mukhtar and he killed Ibn Zyad precisely the same as that was predicted by Maytham and also bin al-Harith ruled Basra in the same way that was predicted.

But unfortunately the people of that time could hardly understand the depth of his words that’s why they were thinking that Maytham had lost his head. For instance, when Maytham told Amr ibn Huraith that he would be his neighbor, Amr ibn Huraith did not understand his meaning and asked, "Do you intend buying the house of Ibne Mas'ood or Ibne Hakeem"? Meesam kept silent. Amr ibn Huraith was puzzled. He wondered: What does Meesam mean? 

To abbreviate the article when he returned from his last hajj to Kufa Ubaidullah ibn Ziyad, the Governor of the place asked him. "Did your master tell you anything about your end?" Maytham-e-Tammar replied, "Yes, he informed me that I would be hanged and that my tongue would be cut." Ubaidullah ibn Ziyad laughed at him saying that "I will see that your master did not tell you the truth. Maytham said, "My master's words are true because he got them from Allah (J). Prophet Muhammad (S) was informed by Gabriel and Gabriel came with the message of Allah (J)."

Finally Maytham was brought to the same tree to be hanged as pointed out by Imam Ali (A). At that time and place Maytham said with a smile. "By Allah (J), this palm trunk has been created for me! And I've been created for it." Thus, the people knew the secret of Maytham's visit to the palm-tree throughout the long years. After being hanged, the tongue of Maytham went on singing the praises of Imam Ali (as). Ubaidullah ibn Ziyad, the tyrant, ordered that the tongue of Maytham is cut and thus the prophecy of Imam Ali (as) came true and Tammar died after his tongue was cut out. [5]

It could be concluded that the story of Maytham’s death and martyrdom fully proved the legitimacy of Imam’s guardianship and welayah. His death made it clear that Ali (A) and his real followers are amongst the believers who will inter the paradise and will meet the Holy Prophet Mohammad (S) and his household [Ahlulbayt (A)]. May Allah (J) bless him and enable us to follow him and his great master Ali (A) to be amongst his companions in the paradise. 

[1] Ibn Abi al-Hadeed al-Muttazzali, Comments on the Peak of Eloquence, (Sharh-e-Nahjul Balaghah), p 292. Rijal al-Kashi, p 86.
[2] Bihar al-Anwar, volume 42, p 128; Safinat Al Bahar, volume 2, p524.
[3] Bihar al-Anwar, volume 42, p 125.
[4] Rijal al-Kashi, p 80.
[5] Rijal al-Kashi, p 83.

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