Execution of Sheikh Nimr will have indeterminate consequences for Saudi Arabia

22:43 - 2015/11/04

Summary: “I repeat that if a Saudi regime goes forward with an execution of Ayatollah Nimr, there will be good and indeterminate consequences for Saudi Arabia. We do not trust that they comprehend how good these consequences will be,”


During his modernized jurisprudence category during Qom’s Grand Mosque (Masjid al-A’dham), Grand Ayatollah Naser Makarem-Shirazi cursed a Saudi genocide judgment on Shi’ite minister Ayatollah Nimr Baqir al-Nimr. Ayatollah Makarem-Shirazi described Ayatollah Nimr as one of “combative” Shi’ite clerics who mount adult opposite a deceptive Saudi monarchy.

Ayatollah Makarem-Shirazi described a genocide judgment as rough and said: “Ayatollah Nimr has not dismissed a Saudi regime and is not honorable of this sentence. He delivered ardent sermons that are a pointer of his freedom.”

“In a country, nobody goes to jail for essay letters opposite a complement and care or for comparing with such a person. Unless they dedicate sedition, we do not levy such a sentence,” he added.

“Unfortunately a Shi’ites of Saudi Arabia is underneath such heated vigor and they are not authorized to reason eremite ceremonies freely. Their rights are disregarded and they are deprived from many occupations. Saudi Arabia contingency know that if they govern Ayatollah Nimr, a annoy and loathing of all Shi’ites and free-thinking Sunnis will lead them to arise adult opposite a Saudi regime and they will compensate a large price,” an eminent Iranian source of simulation stated.

“Whenever a misled Iranian says even a smallest matter opposite another Islamic sect, Saudi Arabia and a supporters and a American Congress launch bizarre promotion opposite us. But a Shi’ites of Saudi Arabia are deprived of their simple tellurium rights and nobody even offers a slightest volume of critique opposite them,” His Eminence settled in response to a blatant and unfair pomposity of Western countries when it comes to tellurium rights issues in Muslim countries.

In response to a doubt from one of his students who asked “why does a American Congress sojourn wordless and not impugn this unfair judgment ?” Ayatollah Makarem-Shirazi replied: “This emanate is a pointer of a fake claims of democracy and human rights by a United States and Western countries.”

“I repeat that if a Saudi regime goes forward with an execution of Ayatollah Nimr, there will be good and indeterminate consequences for Saudi Arabia. We do not trust that they comprehend how good these consequences will be,”

 Ayatollah Makarem-Shirazi.

Source: www.byislam.com

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