The Political dimension of Hajj

04:21 - 2015/11/11


Amirul Mu"mineen (peace be upon him), expounding the philosophy that lay behind every act of worship, in connection with Hajj states:

الْحَجَّ تَقْوِيَةً لِلدِّينِ‏

(Allah has ordained (the rituals of) Hajj for the purpose of strengthening the religion) . {1}

As has been stated by one of the renowned Islamic jurisprudents, the Hajj rituals, apart from putting on display the most sincere and profound acts of worship, are also the most effective means for advancing the political objectives of Islam.

The essence of worship is attention towards God, while the essence of politics is attention towards the ‘creation of God’ - and these two aspects are observed to be as closely intertwined in Hajj as the yarns in a fabric! 

Hajj is an effective factor in establishing unity amongst the ranks of the Muslims.

Hajj is an instrument to combat nationalistic and racial fanaticism, and oppose confinement (of the Muslims) within their geographical boundaries.

Hajj is a means for eliminating the shackles of censorship and breaking the stranglehold of the oppressive leaderships prevalent in the Islamic nations. 

Hajj is a tool for transferring news of political affairs of the Islamic nations from one corner of the globe to another, and finally, it is an effective means for breaking the fetters of captivity and colonialism, and liberating the Muslims.

Amirul Mu"mineen (peace be upon him), expounding the philosophy that lay behind every act of worship, in connection with Hajj states:

الْحَجَّ تَقْوِيَةً لِلدِّينِ‏

(Allah has ordained (the rituals of) Hajj for the purpose of strengthening the religion). {1}

Again, it is not without reason that an eminent non-Muslim statesman has stated:  Woe unto the Muslims if they do not perceive the meaning (and significance) of Hajj and woe unto their enemies if they (the Muslims) ever happen to perceive it.

Even in the Islamic traditions Hajj has been regarded as the jihad of the feeble ones – one, in which even the old and weak men and women can join in and have a contribution in exhibiting the greatness and grandeur of the Islamic ummah and, by standing in circles around the holy Ka’bah and attesting to God’s unity and greatness, cause the hearts of the enemies of Islam to palpitate in trepidation.

1) Nahjul Balaghah, sayings 252.



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