Paris terrorist attack

11:16 - 2015/11/16

Paris terrorist attack did indicate that death of other nations especially in the west Asian countries is not important

Beirut + Paris

On 13th November late on Friday in the French capital of Paris an explosion went off on a night when thousands of Paris residents and tourists were reveling and fans were enjoying a soccer match between France and world champion Germany, horror struck in an unprecedented manner. The explosion left 127 people dead and some 200 others injured, as a state of emergency is declared in the European country shaken by the horrific attacks. French President Francois Hollande said later on Saturday that the Takfiri was behind the attacks. He termed the attacks “an act of war.” Shortly after the remarks by Hollande, Daesh in a statement claimed responsibility for the assaults.[1]

First of all, the main question is which government did create and support this terrorist group? And other question is "what is the aim behind supporting terrorist groups?" But before looking into this issue it is necessary to know that, what is the meaning of terror and terrorism?
Clearly, the use of violence or the threat of violence, especially against civilians, in the pursuit of political goals is called terrorism.[2] By dividing terrorism to domestic and international terrorism the definitions of Terrorism in the U.S. Code is contently is the same as mentioned.[3]  Later the U.S divided terrorists into bad terrorist and good terrorist. It is deceiving the world into dividing devil into good devil and bad devil, as terror act is a devil act.
This Tkfiri Daesh terrorist group was first emerged in Iraq by taking some cities under their control and calling Mussel to be their capital city. About first question, Republican presidential candidate Rick Santorum has answered the question saying Barack Obama and former Foreign Secretary Hillary Clinton are responsible for creating Daesh. The United States and its allies have encouraged the spread of the ISIL terrorist group in the Middle East to create a “perpetual war” in the region and advance the American military-industrial complex. [4]

After Paris terroristic attack, most of countries including President of Islamic Republic of Iran have offered their condolences to the people and government of France. This is while such attack has occurred in a Muslim country two days before in the southern part of Beirut which left over than 200 people killed and wounded. Unfortunately, world media except some did not pay attention towards the explosion, as if, they are not important or they are not human being or more likely they are interested in such bombings. Great Ayatollah stressed on this issue at speech of non-aligned movement summit in Tehran saying "They (America and its accomplices) target defenseless people in villages and cities with their bombs and weapons in the name of “combating terrorism”. From their perspective, humanity is divided into first-, second- and third-class citizens. Human life is considered cheap in Asia, Africa and Latin America and expensive in America and Western Europe. The security of America and Europe is considered important, while the security of the rest of humanity is considered unimportant."[5] However it brings to the mind the concept of second citizenship in the global image.
Second serious question is "why does ISIS not vanish while there is a U.S-led coalition against it? More interestingly, why does the coalition refuse to coordinate with the Syrian government which in turn has relied increasingly on direct military action from Russia for vanquishing its foes?[6]

According to US geopolitical commentator Dean Henderson the answer is this, the reason that ISIS exists, because we’re going to be able to make a lot more arms sales to a lot more actors in the Middle East,” said Dean Henderson, an author and columnist at Veterans Today, using another acronym for the terror network.[7]

Although this takfiri orientation is not new and although it has a historical background, it is a few years now that it has been revived and strengthened with the plots of arrogance, with the money of some regional governments and with the schemes of the intelligence services of colonialist countries such as America, England and the Zionist regime. The orientation which is known as DAESH today is only one of the branches of the malevolent tree of Takfirism, not the whole of it.[8] It is created by western states now the terrorist group stabbing the same countries in the back which has happened in France and it is happening for the second time. France has been backing Syrian rebel groups and has been a particularly vocal opponent of Assad during the nearly five-year conflict.[9] It seems, logically, France should blame itself and it is an awakening flick to make the supporters of terrorist groups to change their policies which was stressed by Iran and its allies in the region.[10]


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