I Began Wearing the Hijab

15:07 - 2016/01/24

My mom disowned me after I accepted Islam

 I Began Wearing the Hijab

My mom disowned me after I accepted Islam
By Jenn

I met a  Muslim gentleman who introduced me to Islam.  I wanted to learn more about Islam in order to better understand his lifestyle and his choices.  I immediately fell in love with Islam and within a few short months, decided it was what I’d been searching for all along!

On May 26th, I began wearing the hijab. I noticed instantly that wearing hijab gained me respect which I’d never  known before.  People apologized for using foul language within earshot of me.  People offered assistance when not necessarily requested.  At a restaurant, a man stopped me from ordering food that had been cooked with pork, because he knew, since I was wearing hijab, I could not consume pork.  It blew my mind!

On June 6th, I took my shahada (testimony of Islamic faith).  It was a bittersweet day.  I was overjoyed to revert to the religion I had fallen in love with.  My (Catholic) family, however, was not thrilled.  My mother even disowned me for  some time. This quickly changed my mood.  Though, in the end, I didn’t allow it to ruin my day.  A week later we had a family meeting  and worked things out.  My family may not understand, but they now support my decision.

I have been told by a few different people that hijab suits me.  I love wearing hijab.  My dà’ì says it makes me even more beautiful than he already thought I was.

It bothers my daughter that people sometimes stare, but it doesn’t bother me.  It hasn’t bothered me from day one.  I knew what I would face them and I know those who stare are just ignorant.  I pray that Allah, one day, opens their eyes.  I know I made the right decision.  I am happy with my choice and my knew life!  Alhamdulillah!  Allahu-akbar!


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