Is Islamic law (Sharia) in need of a state?

12:48 - 2016/02/07

It is a glance at the Islamic sharia concerning its relationship with politics and it is also going to discuss the reasons behind the necessity of Islamic state as per Islamic teachings.   


Is Islamic law (Sharia) in need of a state?

The relation between religion and politics is a very important and challenging subject which has been discussed by many thinkers throughout the history. Islam as one of the most effective religion in the world has its own view with regard to the political issues that is why, it has always been discussed by Muslim thinkers and jurists that what is the relation between Islam and politics, and what can be the real and exact Islamic state according to the holy Quran and prophetic teachings?

After the Islamic revolution in Iran the questions about Islamic state and its necessity were again raised by some of the oppositions claiming that Islam as a divine and sacred religion has nothing to do with politics; because, politics is something earthly and non-sacred. While it is obvious that any legal system requires a government or state to implement it therefor Islamic law (Sharia) is certainly in need of a state for its applications. No one can cast doubt on the necessity of the establishment of an Islamic state according to the Islamic sharia because the Islamic Sharia itself requires political power and authority in order to be implemented.

Based on the aforementioned facts one can understand that even if there was no verse in the holy Quran or tradition from the holy Prophet (S) about the necessity of such a state, the Islamic Sharia’s rule itself was enough to prove the requirement of an Islamic state for the sake of the implementation of the Sharia rules in the Islamic society. It seems that Muslims understand that they are in dire need of the establishment of a legal Islamic political system through which they can fulfill and implement the Islamic Sharia in their own society. It is something rationally inevitable but again the oppositions might try to cast doubt on everything even on the obvious and inevitable things.  

Conclusively, it must be mentioned that there is no doubt that Islamic Sharia must be fulfilled and implemented, otherwise, the rules without implementation do not make any sense.  The important question is that who and what kind of state should fulfill the Islamic Sharia rules? The answer is that Islamic state must be there in order to fulfill the Islamic Sharia.

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