How soon winter destroyed the spring?

14:30 - 2016/03/06

A peom for the martyrdom of Hazrat Zahra (a.s)

How soon winter destroyed the spring?
As soon as her blossoms stand
The earth and skies foundations’ will stay
“We die and go we know not where
Lay on God promises who will keep”‌
She has taught Man the secret path toward the Just
She planted the true oath in the earth that will last
The leaves whisper her thoughts and words
To the near and far lands over the universe
Zahra has such a vision of the world
As the world hardly understands and knows
In the withered field of life, where no farmer hopes for rain
Wisdom sold in the market, where her progeny is the Ahl al-Bayt
“Death seems that ends us, but is our true cure
To be no more sad, with no more pain or loss
When the slow moon climbs the night sky
When lights begin to twinkle from the rocks
Hide the rose in the dust for a newer world
To sail beyond the borders for His high purpose
Move earth and heaven and her heroic hearts
Let her sleep, she is the bright arch rainbow clouds”‌
The ever-silent unknown tomb is her immortal shrine
Her calm existence manifests the wisdom of God
She opens the peaceful clouds for faith and knowing Him
She fuels the flames upon the dark nights of human beings
Every eye is fixed on her door for salvation.


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