Merits of Hazrat Khadijah (A.S)

05:38 - 2016/06/14

There are merits of the great lady of Islam Hazrat Khadijah (S.A):
1. Firm Faith;
2. Best Ladies of the Two Worlds;
3. Best Wife for the Prophet (PBUH);

Merits of Hazrat Khadijah (a.s)

There are merits of the great lady of Islam Hazrat Khadijah (S.A)

1. Firm Faith;

The same deep insight that brought about the marriage of Hazrat Khadijah (S.A) and Muhammad (PBUH) shed the light of Islam and faith upon her heart, so that she won the title of the first Muslim woman in the history of Islam. Ibn Abdul-Berr quotes from Abi Rafe’ in his own document that the Prophet of Islam (PBUH) performed prayers on Monday (the day he was appointed for prophetic mission) and Hadrat Khadijah (S.A) performed her prayers at the last hours of the same day. Hadrat Khadijah (S.A) remained firmly faithful until the last moment of her life. She devoted her life and property to Islam never leaving the leader of Islam alone in her lifetime.

2. Best Ladies of the Two Worlds;

Four women are known to be the best ladies of the universe. Ibn Athir says Anas ibn Malik has quoted from the Prophet (PBUH) that the best ladies of the universe are Mary, Asiyah, Khadijah and Fatima. [1] These four distinguished ladies, reaching the summit of spiritual perfection in this world, will be the best ladies of the Heaven too. Akramah quoted Ibn Abbas that once the Prophet of Islam said: “The best ladies of the Heaven are: Khadijah daughter of Khuwaylid, Fatima daughter of Muhammad, Mary daughter of Imran, and Asiyah daughter of Muzahim and wife of pharaoh.”‌ [2]

3. Best Wife for the Prophet (PBUH);

The Prophet of Islam had many wives but they had different ranks. Hazrat Khadijah (S.A) obeyed the Prophet (PBUH) by all means, sacrificed life and property for his mission and gained satisfaction of the Messenger of Allah, winning the best rank among the Prophet’s wives.


1. Khasal-e Sadough, Chapter on Four Dispositions

2. Asad al-Ghabah, Vol. 5, P. 437; Esti’ab, Vol. 4, P. 1821




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