Family's impact on children's upbringing

11:18 - 2016/10/10

Parents' behavior in home has a major impact on children's upbringing, and it should be noted that they usually practice in accordance with whatever they have seen.

father and son

How much does parent's behavior influence their children?

Certainly the children reflect the behaviors of the people, specially, their parents' behavior. Parents' behavior in home has a major impact on children's upbringing, and it should be noted that they usually practice in accordance with whatever they have seen. It can not be expected to have good children in families that have no adherence to the Islamic teachings and for example say vulgar words, spy or backbite each other, lie, accuse and watch Vulgar Videos and pictures.

Given that at early ages children are influenced more and deeper and also parent are considered as a pattern, they have the most important role in children's upbringing. Therefore it has been emphasized in hadiths about Educational issues in these ages more. As Imam Ali peace be upon him says to his son:
"Certainly, the heart of a young man is like uncultivated land. It accepts whatever is strewn on it. So, I hastened to mould you properly before your heart hardened up and your mind became occupied." [1]

[1] sayyed razi, Nahjul Balagha, letter 31 "اِنَّما قَلْبُ الْحَدَثِ كَالاَرضِ الخاليَةِ ما أُلقیَ فيها مِنْ شَىْ ءٍ قَبِلَتْهُ فَبادَرتُكَ بِالاَدَبِ قَبْلَ اَنْ يَقْسُوَ قَلْبُكَ وَيَشْتَغِلَ لُبُّكَ"


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